Chapter 1...Just a normal day

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Seto's P.O.V

It was a normal day, making potions, enchanting weapons and armor for people and practicing spells. Usually these tasks drag but today Tayanne was helping me, I love it when she comes to work with me. Tayanne is so beautiful, she has long dark blond hair with dark purple tips, her eyes are as dark as the deepest ocean, she is a tiny bit shorter than me, and she wears black and purple robes with silver and purple trainers. She makes my dull workshop seem so alive and welcoming. I was going to teach her how to make some potions today, and I was planning on asking her out, I have had a big crush on her ever since we first met, I was always scared that she wouldn't like me back in that way. I decided to quickly shower and change my robes, I look around my workshop looking for my amulet, if I lose it all hell will break loose. I was given the amulet when I was 12 years old, it helps me contain the bad evil powers that I was born with. My mother was a good sorceress, my father on the other hand was a evil all powerful man, who wanted the world to know who was boss. My amulet is made of budder (AKA gold) with a clear gemstone in the middle, but when the evil powers try to take over my body the stone fills with the red evil power. I looked everywhere for it, under my spell books, in my room, the workshop everywhere. I need to check my house, I drink a speed potion and I run to my house, I searched each room carefully and I found my amulet in my study. I slipped the cool chain around my neck, the gem started to glow. Tayanne was going to arrive at my workshop in 30 seconds, I thought hard and I teleported to my workshop just as Tayanne knocked on the door. I glanced at the mirror, I looked okay, I hovered over to the door and I opened it "Hey Seto" Tayanne chirped happily "H-hey Tayanne" I stuttered nervously damn stuttering. I lead Tayanne into the potion part of the workshop, "have you got your potions book?" I ask, she giggles and clicks her fingers, her bag appears in front of me, I laugh at her trick and I give her the book bag. She started to create a potion, I looked over at her page trying to read the name of the potion, Tayanne turned the book with her mind so I couldn't see it, "what potion are you making Tayanne" I ask her curiously "its a surprise" she giggled she is so cute, "hey thanks Seto" I looked at her confused then I blushed, I forgot she could read my thoughts. A few hours later we had finished making potions, "Seto I am going to make sweet tea, do you want some?" "Yes please Tayanne", after a few minutes Tayanne came back with two big cups of the sweet pink tea, I took a sip being careful not to spill it, it tasted great. Tayanne sat across from me and started to drink her tea too, " so Seto, can I ask you a question" she asked me, my head was filling with thoughts "yeah sure Tayanne go ahead" I said sipping my tea again. "Do you have a crush on anyone" she mumbled quietly but I could hear her ,this is my chance. I could feel words spilling out of my mouth even though I didn't say anything "TayanneIreallylikeyouandIhaveforawhile" she giggled "Seto slow down" I took a deep breath and began to talk "Tayanne I really like you and I have for a while" I could feel my cheeks burning bright red. "Seto" she began, I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers, she didn't kiss back for a few seconds but then she melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around my neck while my hands found their way to her waist. We broke apart, breathing heavily, we were both bright red, "I love you Seto" I smiled my dreams were really coming true. I pulled Tayanne into a hug and I whispered in her ear "I love you too Tayanne". As we cuddled I heard the door being knocked, and a very familiar group of voices called from the other side of the room "Hey Seto let us in, we need to talk to you". I sighed and I pulled away from our hug, I had to quickly make all the sorcery things disappear, with a wave of my hands it all disappeared it also changed our clothes to t-shirts and jeans. My friends didn't know about my magic, I opened the door, everyone looked in need of help, "Seto, help this girl she is hurt" I look at Jerome he is cradling a girl in his arms, she looked about Tayanne's age maybe a bit older, she had chocolate brown hair with dark blue tips, her eyes were a dark hazel colour she was wearing a dark blue tank top with rainbows all over it she was also wearing jean shorts with white trainers that had rainbow laces. I hurried Jerome and everyone inside, I called to Tayanne to pull out the potions of healing and instant health, the girl had a deep cut going across her torso it looked like a claw mark like a dragon or something. Tayanne came in with the potions and bandages, I thanked her, she giggled and kissed my cheek lightly, I blushed bright pink. I poured the two potions into the cut and I bandaged it up, "She has to keep to bed rest for about a week or two" I said to everyone. "We can take her to the sky army base infirmary" Adam says brightly "great idea Adam" I say, "I can teleport us there" they know I can do some spells and potions. Jerome picked the girl up and held her tight, Tayanne took my hand and everyone made a circle, we all closed our eyes and I thought about the sky army base, within seconds I teleported us there. "Jerome lay the girl down here" Mitch says pulling a bed out, Jerome lay her down and pulled the cover up to her chin. "Can someone stay with her, to explain what happened and why she is here?" Tayanne said to the group, Jerome's hand shot straight up we all laughed and left him there. Me and Tayanne linked hands and we walked around the base gardens for a bit, it was getting dark. I teleported me and Tayanne back to the workshop, the sky was pitch black with a few shimmering stars. "Tayanne, instead of walking all the way to your house would you like to stay over tonight?" I ask, "okay thanks Seto" Tayanne said smiling, I smiled at her and I took her hand we were both blushing crimson, I closed my eyes and we teleported to my house, it wasn't that far to walk but there were so many mobs outside. We were stood in the living room our fingers intertwined, I walked her to the guest bedroom, it was purple (A/N you can probably guess my favorite colour is purple XD) with silver stars on the ceiling being held up with magic. Tayanne walked over to the big glass doors and stood on the balcony smiling at the stars in the night sky, I walked behind her and snaked my arms around her waist putting my head on her shoulder, loving every second of it.

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