♡SIX ♡

647 49 16

"You're disgusting."

"P-please stop. I-it hurts-"

"-You killed her, you killed the most important thing to me!"

"W-Why don't you just k-kill me, then?"

"Because it's a lot more fun this way. Simply killing you will do no good, I want you to truly suffer for your sins."

Before the young boy knew it he was falling into the coffee table, and the only things he could see were glass and blood.

Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat, panting heavily as he realized that everything he had just seen was only a dream.

His nightmares were beginning to get even worse. For the past few days, Jungkook was waking up either in tears or close to them because of a nightmare that had to do with his father.

Jungkook looked down to see Taehyung peacefully sleeping below him. He had died his hair red a few days ago, and he looked absolutely stunning. Just looking at the older seemed to calm the younger down, and he was more than thankful to be safe with him in a random motel.

Eventually, the younger got up and walked into the bathroom, knowing that there was nothing better for him to do. He washed his face with cold water, trying to wake himself up calm down.  He guessed that it was around one o'clock in the morning, but he wasn't quite sure.

Once he was done, Jungkook slumped down on the bathroom floor, running a hand through his hair. He knew he wasn't in the mood to go back to bed, and he almost felt like he couldn't move. So decided to just stay there, staring into nothing but pure void.

Jungkook wanted to turn on the light since it was practically pitch black in there, but he almost didn't have the energy to do so. A few minutes passed before Jungkook wasn't so sure he was in a bathroom anymore. It had gotten so dark that he wasn't even sure where he was anymore.

Suddenly, he was seven years old again and trapped in his father's closet, trying to ask him why he was in there.

"You've been a bad boy, Jungkook" he could almost hear his father bark "cuddling with Jimin? Your mother would be ashamed to have even birthed you."

Jungkook couldn't breathe.

He was panting for air, panting fast and hard but it felt impossible for anything to come out. The walls were beginning to close on him and the darkness was beginning to suck him up.

And, just like he had when he was seven, he screamed.

Jungkook screamed and screamed, begging for mercy just as he had when he was younger. He swore he could hear his father's footsteps outside the door, leaving him to suffer alone in the dark.

Tears were streaming down the younger's cheeks as he continued to yell, feeling like he was going to lose his voice any minute now. But he didn't care, he had to get out of here or he was going to lose his mind.

Jungkook would rather take a bullet then sit in a dark and dusty closet for twenty-four hours just as he used too.


Suddenly, a light was switched and the younger realized he was in a motel bathroom, and not in his father's closet. He was lying in the floor, rocking back and forth in a little ball, trying to cal, his breathing down. He slowly sat up, his cheeks stained with tears. Taehyung standing in the doorway, looking down at him.

Humiliated was an understatement for how Jungkook was currently feeling.

The younger felt himself beginning to shake. He knew it was from the trauma he had just experienced, but he still felt so embarrassed looking so vulnerable in front of the older.

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 (𝑇𝑎𝑒𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘) ✓Where stories live. Discover now