♡TEN ♡

548 39 16

Passion bloomed in Jungkook's veins as he kissed Taehyung's lips, feeling almost as if he were on a drug of euphoria.

The two hadn't seemed to stop kissing ever since Jungkook first made the move, and now they were already back at the motel, both wrapped up in each other's arms as they kissed, already having memorized the rhythm of the other's own heartbeats.

In the back of Jungkook's mind, he noticed that somehow the lights had turned on, and before he could further comprehend how that came to be Taehyung began kissing his neck, and the rest of Jungkook's thoughts soon turned into a fog.

He knew he would never get sick of kissing Taehyung, even if they kissed like this for the rest of their lives. It was almost like a drug, so addicting that Jungkook found himself unable to stop and only wanted more.

The younger fell on top of the bed, closing his eyes as his tongue continued to wrestle with the older's. Jungkook felt Taehyung grow more aggressive, and he almost gasped once he realized that he was trying to pull his shirt off from his body.

Jungkook jumped back, pulling his shirt down quickly. Though he really did care about Taehyung, he wasn't ready for him to see all of him (all of him also including his many scars).

"Oh my - fuck," Taehyung said, facepalming himself "fuck, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay" Jungkook giggled, finding it cute how embarrassed he was "I'm just not ready, right now."

"I get that" Taehyung replied "and I'm sorry, again. I just got a little carried away, I guess."

The younger laid down, looking up at the ceiling. Taehyung laid beside him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Can we still kiss and cuddle, though?" The older asked.

Jungkook replied by cupping his cheek and giving him a peck. Taehyung grinned before he pulled Jungkook in for a real kiss, feeling their tongues entwine.

They made out for a few minutes on the bed, Taehyung taking it no further than a few playful kisses on his neck. Eventually, the older pulled away, and he brushed some curls out of Jungkook's face, making Jungkook wrinkle his nose.

"Can I ask you something, Bunny?" Taehyung whispered. His low voice sounded raspy yet somehow soft.

"Mhm," Jungkook mumbled in reply.

"Why were you so determined not to be with me?" He asked "you dodged all of my kisses, and you even lied to my face saying they you didn't have feelings for me. Why go to all of that trouble?"

Jungkook sighed, feeling Taehyung brush more curls from his forehead "there's another thing that happened to me in Busan that I haven't told you about."

Taehyung narrowed his eyebrows.

"When I was in tenth grade, there was this boy" Jungkook began "his name was Namjoon. He was new, moved there from Seoul, and was super smart. He was really sweet too, and tall. Really tall. He almost didn't look like he belonged in the grade.

"Long story short, I had a crush on him. I used to think he was so perfect, like the most perfect man to exist" Jungkook continued "at night, I could barely sleep because I was tortured by thoughts of him. I had never experienced these types of feelings before, and I was scared - but in an exciting kind of way. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I was in love with him. I confessed to him not long after. I told him that I was in love with him and then kissed him, and he didn't pull away. I thought he cared, too. I really thought that he felt the same way. But he didn't.

"After we kissed, he apologized and told me he was in love with someone else. It was Seokjin, another friend of mine from school. Even though he was super sweet and sorry about it, I still felt like pure trash. I stayed in bed, crying for days - I only got out because I was scared that my dad was going to beat me if I didn't. But the feeling that I had in my heart - it was horrible. I knew I never wanted to experience it again.

"So, I made a promise to myself. I promised that I wouldn't get attached to someone like I did with Namjoon because it hurt too much. That was why I rejected you so much because I was scared of getting hurt again" Jungkook paused, biting his lip as he waited for a response from the older.

"Wow" Taehyung replied "that explains a lot. But why did you kiss me earlier, then?"

"I realized that I couldn't keep living my life being afraid of love" Jungkook said "actually, you kind of inspired me. I thought I should live life to the fullest while I can since I might be dead soon."

Taehyung smiled, and it was probably the brightest and widest smile that the younger had ever seen him shown. "Well, I really am sorry that that happened to you, unrequited love sucks. But, I do know that you won't have to go through that again because I'm a hundred percent sure that I like you. Probably even more than you do, to be honest."

"Hell no" Jungkook replied. The older giggled as Jungkook pulled him into a kiss, one just as passionate and exhilarating as the last one.

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