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It was noon, and Taehyung still hadn't come back yet.

Usually, Taehyung is out on his morning jog for only about an hour or two, but today he had been gone the entire morning. Jungkook had tried calling him, but he wasn't picking up.

The younger was beginning to worry. He couldn't stop thinking back to the other day when he saw Taehyung on the phone with someone but when he confronted him about it he seemed to change the subject completely. Though Jungkook had been suspicious before, he was even more skeptical of the older's actions now.

Was he lying to him?

If yes, then how long?

What was it all about?

And why?

Feeling like his head was about to explode, Jungkook began looking through Taehyung's things in order to find clues as to where he could be. Though he knew it was an invasion of his privacy, he needed to find out the truth one way or another. Plus, Taehyung didn't have to know.

Jungkook started by looking through Taehyung's bag. The only things he could find were clothes, and he knew that they would be absolutely no help to him. He found his poetry book sitting on the nightstand as it usually would, but Jungkook knew he really would be dead if Taehyung found out he had looked through that.

Out of the corner of the younger's eye, he saw a large piece of paper lying under one of Taehyung's jackets on the floor. Jungkook picked it up, and under it was a newspaper. He narrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember a time where he saw Taehyung reading a newspaper. He couldn't find one.

With his curiosity getting the better of him, Jungkook picked up the newspaper and began reading it. He sat down on the bed, and the first thing he saw was a small picture of Taehyung on the front.

Jungkook frowned at the school yearbook picture of Taehyung that was staring right back at him. The title of the article was "TEENAGE KILLER NOWHERE TO BE FOUND."

"Kim Taehyung, 19, is a teenage boy that has been proved responsible for the murder of the eighteen-year-old boy Lee Do-Hyun. On January 12, 2019, at around eleven o'clock at night, Lee Do-Hyun's house was set on fire. Though both of his parents had survived, the eighteen-year-old had died in the fire due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Do-Hyun's parents had gone to the police, claiming that they had had no part in the fire and that Do-Hyun was sound asleep when it occurred. The police then began their investigation to find out who had committed the crime.

"It turned out that the culprit had been not one, but three young boys. Jung Hoseok (18), Min Yoongi, (19) and Kim Taehyung. The case eventually went to court, which was a trial that lasted many long and painful days, since the three boys had remained quiet. Finally, the three of them admitted guilty to killing Lee Do-hyun because of a revenge plan that they had put in place (apparently Do-Hyun had teased the three boys in years). Yoongi and Hoseok were placed in juvenile detention centers while Taehyung's family had decided to place him in a mental asylum.

""We had no idea something like this would occur" Kim Song-i, Taehyung's mother, spoke to reporters one-day "Taehyung's always been a normal and happy boy, so this was a shock to all of us.' Taehyung reportedly stayed in the asylum for two months, having put in there for bipolar disorder and psychopathic tendencies. But on May 29, a nurse went to his room to find him completely gone. Taehyung had escaped the mental asylum. All of the cameras in the hallway had been smashed, and there was no report of any nurses being able to stop him.

""None of us have any idea as to how the boy escaped" Park Seo-Jim, a doctor at the mental asylum Taehyung used to stay at commented, "we have high tech security in place, but the kid might be too smart for any of us." Though the asylum has been searching excessively for the young boy, no luck has been brought to any of them. 'It's almost like he disappeared completely" Kwon Jeong, another doctor working at the same mental asylum reported, "we've been searching and searching for the boy, but he's just been nowhere to be found." If you do see or hear from Kim Taehyung, you may contact the number-"

Jungkook threw the newspaper to the floor. He couldn't keep reading.

He buried his face in his hands, overwhelmed by the millions of questions being asked in his head, plus his confused emotions. Everything he thought he knew about Taehyung seemed to be completely false, and he knew that a fucking newspaper couldn't be lying.

This explained why he never talked about himself.

And why he went out so much, it was probably because he was contacting Yoongi and Hoseok.

Then he happened to meet Jungkook and make him begin to fall for him, probably planning to shoot him in the chest with a gun at the end.

The whole thing made the younger want to burst out in sobs. But he couldn't cry, not yet.

Because Taehyung had just gotten home.

Jungkook knew this because he could hear footsteps walking up the stairs, growing closer to the door. The younger had no idea what he was going to say or do with all of the different emotions running through his body, so he just reached into Taehyung's bag and grabbed his gun.

As the door slowly opened Jungkook held the gun up and pointed it towards there, trying to hold in his tears. Once Taehyung walked in and saw the younger he gasped, almost dropping his bag.

"Who are you?" Jungkook spat.

"Oh my god, is this some prank about how we first met?-"

"This isn't a fucking joke, Taehyung!" Jungkook yelled, feeling his hands tremble "who are you? Because clearly, I don't know."

Taehyung narrowed his eyebrows, confused "Bunny, what are you talking about?"

Jungkook threw the gun down on the bed and picked up the newspaper, throwing it at Taehyung. The older caught it easily, his face growing pale once he read what was written on the front.

"You really thought I wouldn't find out? How much of an idiot do you think I am, Taehyung?!" Jungkook snapped, his anger getting the better of him.

"Bunny, I can explain-"

"Don't call me that!" The younger replied, feeling tears form in his eyes "was this all just some j-joke to you? Some way for you to m-mess with my mind?!"

Taehyung was frozen, his face devoid of any color.

"I trusted you!" Jungkook cried, tears rolling down his cheeks "I trusted you s-so much. I told you things I never told a-anyone! And it meant nothing to you."

"That's not true," Taehyung said, in almost a whisper "I do care about you, I-"

"Just stop lying!" Jungkook replied "stop fucking lying, Taehyung, because you know what I hate more than my father? Liars. And you're one of them. You lied to my face this whole god-damn time.. and I let you! God, I was a complete idiot because I let you!"

"God - I can't believe I even believed that bullshit you said about living while you're young!" Jungkook exclaimed "all this time, you were a psychopath - a murder! I thought Namjoon was bad, but this - t-this is what heartbreak feels like-"

"-Jungkook please listen to me!" Taehyung said, grabbing his arm "none of this is what you think it is, okay? We can sit down and talk everything out together and-"

"Don't touch me!" Jungkook yelled, pulling his arm away " and while you're at it, get the fuck away from me!"

The younger stormed into the bathroom, locking himself in it. He didn't know where else to go in that moment, but all he knew was that he needed to avoid Taehyung. The older's pleas outside were enough to make him want to open the door, but he couldn't. He couldn't face him.

Jungkook felt more tears roll down his cheeks as he felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces, Taehyung's voice now seeming like something far, far away to him.

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