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Jungkook couldn't sleep.

Below him, Taehyung was sleeping peacefully, still as a statue. The only sound in the room was the older's snores, though that wasn't what was keeping the younger awake.

He was plagued by guilt.

Guilt for lying, guilt for hurting Taehyung, and guilt for even liking him in the first place.

Jungkook felt suffocated in the darkroom, surrounded by nothing but blankets. He got up, deciding that he would get some fresh air for a bit. The younger wasn't sure if there was ever a time where he didn't wake up or stay up the entire night.

After he dressed himself properly, he left the motel room, making sure to lock the door behind him. Jungkook had no idea where he was going, but he decided to let his feet carry him to wherever they wanted, deciding to deal with the consequences of being lost later.

Jungkook then began wandering around the town. He assumed that they were now in Seoul, but was still unsure. He hadn't gotten that far from the motel, and he decided that really he shouldn't, deep down, Jungkook didn't want to spend all night trying to get back to there. 

As he was walking, Jungkook tried thinking of reasons why Taehyung even liked him. He still wasn't used to the idea of someone truly liking him, since his last crush didn't even feel the same way about him. But Jungkook tried to scan his memory and think of why Taehyung seemed to like him so much.

He remembered him once saying that he reminded him of his sister, so maybe that was one. Jungkook wondered if it was just because he was the only person Taehyung could really talk too, so feelings somehow formed because of that. Deep down, Jungkook wondered if the older just simply pitted him, and that made him feel even worse.

Jungkook sighed, kicking an old water bottle that was lying on the sidewalk. Though a part of the younger assumed that Taehyung didn't really care about him, the other part knew it was genuine. Jungkook truly just wanted to know what the older saw in him.

The younger soon felt his hair getting wet, and he looked up to see that it was raining. Thankfully, it was only sprinkling as Jungkook continued his walk to god knows where.

As he was walking peacefully, Jungkook suddenly heard sirens. He whipped his head around, trying to see where the sound was coming from. He walked towards the street and saw that a car accident had occurred, there were police officers along with an ambulance at the scene. There was also long yellow tape with the word 'caution' on it to protect outsiders from the scene.

Jungkook noticed a man yelling at a police officer - he assumed it was the one from the other car - and a woman being carried out on a stretcher to the ambulance. Jungkook felt his eyes attached to the scene, seeing how bloody and bruised she was. The younger let his mind wander to the possibilities of her either dying or living.

If she died, her family would be devastated (if she had a happy one) and her friends (if she had any) would be too. If that man was her boyfriend, he would most likely feel so guilty that he wouldn't be able to function. 

The younger walked away, deciding that he couldn't bear to watch the scene any longer. Suddenly, at that moment, he remembered something that Taehyung had once told him. 

"What I'm trying to say is that I might be dead tomorrow or next week, or even in a month. I don't want my life to be boring, and before I die I want to do something important; something memorable. It can be anything between smoking pot, getting arrested, falling in love, basically shit like that. I wanna make the most of my life worth living while I still have it."

The younger realized that he was right, Taehyung had always been right. Tomorrow, next week, or even in a few hours, Jungkook could be like that women, lying on a stretcher barely breathing. He would've never gotten the chance to kiss Taehyung and tell him how much he cared about him.

Jungkook knew he had to stop being a coward and follow his heart. He knew he wanted Taehyung, and he knew Taehyung wanted him. He needed to stop wasting such precious time because he was scared.

And if he did get hurt again, it wouldn't matter. People got hurt every day, it's just a part of life. Jungkook could blame himself all he wanted, but he would rather blame himself for not doing anything than to do nothing and watch the opportunity vanish before his eyes.

As he was realizing all of this, Jungkook turned around and walked back to the motel, knowing that he needed to stop wasting time. After he got far away from the car accident scene, he realized he had no idea where he was.


Before Jungkook could start to panic, he heard someone call his name.

His heart stopped once he heard the voice, and he turned around, hoping that it was who he thought it was.

His prayers were quickly answered.

Taehyung stood, a few inches from him, his red hair slightly wet from the rain. Jungkook almost smiled.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Taehyung asked. He looked genuinely concerned, and Jungkook almost didn't truly believe it, since he hurt him just a few hours ago.

The younger didn't reply, instead, he walked towards Taehyung. He stopped once they were three or fewer itches apart, and the older stared at him, having a confused yet apprehensive look in his eyes.

Jungkook took a deep breath and then took another step forward. He cupped Taehyung's face in his hands as his lips found his.

At first, the younger was scared Taehyung was going to immediately break away, but he didn't. Instead, he kissed him back, just as passionately. The older's arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer. Their tongues eventually found each other, and Jungkook fought back a moan as their tongues wrestled with one another.

Eventually, they both pulled away from the kiss, Taehyung accidentally bitting Jungkook's lip. Their foreheads rested against one another, and they both sighed with contentment, never letting go of the other.

"I lied" Jungkook mumbled, "I like you, a lot."

"I know you did" Taehyung replied, and Jungkook looked up, confused.

The older grinned "that's why I was so upset."

"Oh" Jungkook replied, and he felt stupid for even saying it.

Taehyung gently brushed some curls out of the younger's face "I want to save the talking for later, Bunny. Right now, I want to kiss you until we're both knocked out, senseless."

Jungkook replied by pulling the older back in for a kiss, both their lips moving just as passionately as before.

Even though they were in the middle of the sidewalk at eleven o'clock at night while wet and cold from sprinkles of rain, they didn't care. 

All they needed was each other. 

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