Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, Juan still has his arm around me and his face is nuzzled into my neck but this time I don't panic. I get up and get breakfast started and coffee and once they are done, I go to Juan's room to wake him up. I knock on the door and it opens to reveal him walking out of the bathroom in just a towel. I quickly divert my eyes and blush. "Um, breakfast is done." I stutter. "I'll be there in a second." he says. Before I can walk out, he stops me. "Liv?" he calls. I stop and turn back but don't look up. "Come here." he says. I walk over and he takes my hand and pulls me to him, hugging me. "You don't have to shy away from me. Okay?" he asked as he tilts me head up to look at him. He kisses my forehead and I walk back to the kitchen. I pour his coffee and some orange juice and plate his food. I am just sitting his plate down when he walks in. Grabbing my own plate, I put a couple of pieces of bacon and a piece of toast and sit down. I see him look at my plate and he gets up and grabs my plate and adds more bacon, along with some eggs before placing it down in front of me. "My wife needs her energy." He says smiling softly. I smile softly back and when we are done eating, he goes to leave, I grab his hand. He looks at me confused until I walk over to him and place a soft peck to his lips. He smiles and returns the kiss quickly before heading out the door. Once he leaves, I realize that I did that and didn't panic.

Juan and I spend the next month, talking and I find myself more relaxed. We still don't do more than a small kiss when we go to bed and get up or when he leaves or comes home but it's progress. I like spending time with him. "You know, I really love nights like this. Us just sitting out here talking." I tell him. "Me too. You seem to have relaxed a lot since we've been here." he tells me. "I think so too. I am not having panic attacks as much anymore." I tell him. "Me either." he says. We are sitting in the patio chairs and holding hands like we do every night. "I was thinking today. I mean, if it's okay with you? I might move my things into your room? If you aren't okay with that, it's not a big deal. I mean. I just..." I start to ramble and he smiles wide and says "I'd like that." He pulls my hand and I stand up. He pulls me into his lap and whispers "I'd like to have my wife in bed with me at night." I smiled and I don't know where it came from, but I leaned in and kissed him. Not the quick peck like before but this time it was soft and passionate and he returned the kiss just as passionate. We come up for air and he says "I've wanted to do that since our first night here." I blush a little and say "Me too." He pulls me closer and we kiss more before he picks me up and carries me to his bed. Laying me down, he pulls the covers over us and we just kiss. He doesn't try to push me for more but just kisses me. In between kisses, we talk about anything and everything.

The next morning, Juan has the day off and we are sitting on the back patio, having our coffee. My things are in his room, or our room now, and we are just enjoying our day. We see a ball come over the privacy fence and then a man's head. "Hey. Sorry. Can you toss me that ball?" he asked. "Sure." Juan says. He gets up and grabs the small ball and tosses it back. "Thanks." the man says. "I'm Jose. My wife Maggie and I just moved in this week." he says. "Hey. I'm Juan and this is my wife Olivia." he says and I wave. Juan shakes his hand and we can hear a little girl yelling for daddy to bring her the ball. Juan looks over the fence and sees twin girls. "Cute. How old are they?" he asked. "Three." he says. "Babe, come meet our neighbors." Jose says and Maggie walks over to the fence. I walk over and stand next to Juan and grab his hand. He can tell I'm a bit nervous and he squeezes my hand to let me know it's okay. "I'm Maggie and our girls Tori and Vanna." he holds out her hand. "Olivia." I say, shaking her hand. She looks around and says "Beautiful garden." I smile softly and say "Thanks." Jose and Maggie say their goodbyes and go back to their girls while Juan and I head back to the patio. "They seem nice." I say. "Yeah. But we still have to be careful." he says. "I know." I say.

As it gets dark, we head inside and head to bed. Laying with my head on Juan's chest, I feel him rubbing circles on my hip. I had gotten comfortable enough to be able to just sleep in a shirt and panties with him in the short time we have been here. I lean up and look at him and he looks at me. "You okay?" he asked. "I will be." I say. He looks at me confused before I lean up and kiss him. He kisses me back and I decide I need to heal. Breaking away from the kiss, I asked "Be with me?" He looks at me shocked and asked "You sure?" I just nod my head yes and kiss him again. He turns me over and is on top of me. Slowing we start shedding clothes. My bruises have faded and my ribs have healed and he just looks at me for a minute. "You're perfect." he whispers before kissing me again. Working his way down my body, he kisses the inside of each of my thighs before running his tongue up and down my center causing me to arch my back and moan. Once I find my high, he kisses his way up my body and positions himself at my entrance. Looking at me, I kiss him softly and he enters me softly and thrusts in and out slowly, being gentle and making love to me. Once we both reach out release, we are laying there in each others arms. I start to cry. He looks at me and asks "Liv? Hey. What's wrong?" I kiss him and say "For the first time in a long time, nothing." He realizes what I'm saying and kisses me again. "I got you baby. I'm not going anywhere." he tells me. Finally we drift off to sleep holding each other tightly.

The next couple of months go by the same. We had started talking to our neighbors and started to relax. Juan and I had started getting closer and more affectionate when we were alone. I still had issues being in public most times but he was patient. We both still had nightmares but we helped each other through it. We were out at the garden shop again, getting more flowers and some pots for me to plant more flowers when I feel Juan tense. "What it is?" I asked. "Come on." he says. We move to the back part of the store and keep our backs turned. By now, Juan had grown his hair out and I can colored mine from blonde to a chocolate brown so no one would recognize us. After a few minutes, we hear bikes pulling away and I see his face is pale. "Juan. What's wrong? Talk to me please." I whisper. Cupping my face in his hands he kisses me softly and I see he starts to calm down. "I saw my old club's emblem on that guy's kutte." he whispers. "Do we need to go?" I asked. "Let's pay for this and we will go. We'll get more later." he tells me. "Okay." I say. He kisses me again and we head to check out and head home as fast as we can.

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