Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The next couple of months go by and things seem to be better. No nightmares but morning sickness is a bitch but Kane stays by my side. I'm twenty weeks pregnant and we are sitting at the doctor's office ready for the ultrasound to find out what we are having. The doctor moves the wand and we hear the heartbeat. Moving it a little more, we see our baby on the screen. "Looks like a little boy." she tells us and I see Juice smile wide. He looks at me and kisses me softly and says "I love you." I smile and say "I love you too."

Sitting at home, we are sitting on the couch and he's rubbing my stomach. Kane is lying on the couch with his head in my lap, against my stomach. All of a sudden his head pops up and he looks at my stomach and I can't help but laugh. "What?" Juice asks. "Our son just kicked Kane." I say and Juice laughs. "We need to come up with a name." Juice says. "Carlos Alexander." I say. "Really?" he asks. "Yeah. After you and Tig." I tell him. "I love it." he says. "I don't want to tell anyone until we have him so until then we call him baby boy." I say and he agrees.

The next day we are at the clubhouse and Venus and Tig come over. "How are you and the kid?" Tig asks. "Me and your grandson are doing just fine." I tell him. He smiles wide and hugs Juice and says "A boy. Hell yeah." Venus and I can't help but laugh. Later on, we are sitting on the couch, just me and Venus and she asks "What's on your mind?" I shake my head and say "I just worry that I won't be a good mom. V, you knew my mom. What if I turn out like her?" I ask. "Baby, you won't. I can tell every time you rub your stomach that you love that little boy growing inside of you. That right there makes you a better mother than yours was. But baby, you have all of us to help you. You are going to be an amazing mother." she tells me and it makes me feel a little better. I look up and see Juice and Tig walking over.

That night, Juice and I are lying in bed and I have my back to him and his hand is on my stomach. All of a sudden he says "Holy shit." and I start laughing. "That would be Carlos saying hi to daddy." I tell him and he kisses me hard. "I can't believe we're having a kid." he tells me. "I know." I say and his smile fades. "What's wrong?" he asks. "Just worried I won't be a good mom but don't worry, I spoke to Venus and am feeling a little better." I tell him. "Are you sure?" he asks. I smile softly and say "I'm sure." I tell him, kissing him softly. He looks at me again and I say "I'm okay. We all are." I tell him.

The next morning, I'm sitting at the kitchen table, rubbing my belly and smiling. "Morning babe." he says as he pours his coffee. "Feeling better?" he asks. I look up at him and say "Yeah. I am. You know he's been kicking all morning." I tell him. "Really?" he asks smiling. "Yeah. Come here." I say. He walks over and I put his hands on my stomach and say "Speak to him." He moves closer to my stomach and says "Hey baby boy. Are you kicking mommy this morning?" All of a sudden Carlos kicks his hand over and over and his eyes go wide and so does his smile. "He likes your voice." I tell him. He moves up and kisses me softly and says "I love you both so much." I smile softly and say "We love you too, Juan. I can't believe this is happening. We're a family." I tell him as a tear falls from my eye. "Hey. Baby." he says. I look at him and say "I'm fine. Just hormones." He kisses me softly and I pull him closer and deepen the kiss as I stand and sit on the kitchen table and pull him between my legs. I grab his hard member and stroke it as he moans and thrusts into my hand. "I need you Juan." I whisper against his lips. He moves my panties to the side and enters me quickly. Thrusting in and out hard and fast causing me to have the most intense orgasm that I've ever had as he find his right behind me. Catching out breath, he whispers "Thank God for hormones." and I start laughing against his neck.

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