Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Waking up the next morning, I hear Juan's soft snores in my ear. Turning to face him, I start kissing his chest and kiss my way up to his lips. As I reach his lips, he starts to kiss me back and rolls me over as he opens his eyes. "Morning wife." he says. "Morning husband." I say before he kisses me again and enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out at a slow pace, I start to moan "Juan, don't stop." I find my release and he finds his right behind me. As we catch our breaths, I feel a tear fall. "What's wrong baby?" he asked. "I'm just finally happy. I never thought I would be." I tell him. He lays beside me and I lay my head on his chest and say "You saw how I was when we met. I couldn't even look you in the eyes. I honestly thought that I was going to die with him." I tell him. "A lot's changed in just a few months." he says. "I know. But it's for the better." I tell him. He pulls me closer and kisses me softly.

Getting up and dressed, we walk to the main room. Seeing Tig and Venus sitting at the bar drinking coffee, I walk over and sit next to Venus. "Hey Momma V." I say. "Hey baby. You ready to see the new house?" she asked. "Yeah." I say. We follow them outside and I get in the car and Juice gets on his bike. We follow Venus and Tig in the u-haul and a few minutes later, we are pulling up at a nice little house. Getting out of the car, I see Juice looking at the house and it seems he's in shock. "What's wrong, Juan?" I asked. "This was my house." he says. Tig walks up and says "Yeah. We kept it. Been taking care of it since you've been gone while we were looking for you. House is stocked with food and we'll help you get things inside in a minute but let's give you a minute to look around." Tig tells Juice. He nods and takes my hand as we walk inside. We look around and walk out to the back deck and I gasp in shock. "Juan." I say. We both look out at the most beautiful garden. I turn to see Venus walking out with Tig behind her. "Alexander called me and told me about your garden and I wanted to surprise you." she says. "It's perfect. Thank you Momma." I say hugging her.

After we get everything inside and unpacked, we sit on the couch. I look at Juan and he still hasn't said much. "Are you okay?" I asked from the other side of the couch. "Come here." he says. I move next to him and he pulls me close. "I never thought that I would be home again. I bought this house when I first got to Charming. This was my one place to get away from everything. My Oasis. I never thought I'd see it again." he says as his eyes tear up. I straddle his lap and take his face in my hands. "We're home baby. Our home." I tell him. He smiles and says "Our home." Kissing me softly I whisper into his lips "Time to christen the house." He smiles and lays me down on the couch before we shed clothes and he enters me for the first time since walking in the door. Finding our release, we get redressed and I head to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm making my husband dinner in our kitchen." I tell him. He smiles and says "I'll help."

We get the casserole together and in the oven. Once I close the oven and set the timer, he picks me up and puts me on the counter. "It's the kitchen's turn." he says. I start laughing as he starts kissing my neck. Shedding clothes again, he enters me right there on the counter. Thrusting in and out, we find our release right before the timer. "Good timing babe." I say laughing. We sit down to eat and he says "I don't think I've heard you laugh this much." I look at him and say "Well, I have a great life now. I have a family that loves me, a wonderful husband and don't have to look over my shoulder all the time. I'm happy. Thanks to you." I say. Kissing me softly, we finish eating before claiming each other in every room of the house...twice.

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