Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

***Thirty-Nine Weeks Pregnant***

Hanging out at the clubhouse, Juice and I decide to just crash there for the night. I didn't tell him I was having contractions. We lay down in bed and he has his hand on my stomach like normal when I feel another one hit. "What's wrong?" Juice asks. "Don't freak out." I tell him. "Shit. Contraction?" he asks and I nod my head yes. "They've been about a half hour apart." I tell him. "Do we need to go?" he asks. "No. They need to be about five minutes apart or my water break before we have to go." I tell him as another one hits. "That wasn't thirty minutes." he tells me. "We just have to time them I guess." I tell him. I pull away from Juice and head to the bathroom but before I make it to the door, my water breaks. "Now we go." Juice says. I change and we head out of the room and down the hall, banging on Tig's door as we go. "Brother, let's go. Kid's coming." Juice yells and every dorm door opens and the guys start walking out, behind us.

Fourteen hours later, we are sitting in the hospital room, holding our son. The entire club start walking into the room to see our newest little outlaw. Tig is holding him and asks "So, what did you name him?" I smile and say "Carlos Alexander." Tig's head shoots up to look at me and says "Seriously?" I smile and say "From the minute I met you and Juice, you both became the most important men in my life. You claimed me as your kid the night I met you. Of course my son is being named after you and Juice." Tig smiles and says "Love you kid." I laugh and say "Love you too Pop."

After everyone leaves, I am lying in the bed and Juice is sitting in the chair next to the bed, holding the baby. "Are we going to call him Carlos?" Juice asks. "What about calling him Xander?" I ask. "That's a little bad ass. I like it." he tells me and I smile. "You like that Xander?" he asks our son and he just looks up at Juice and I see his smile widen. I just sit there and watch my husband and son together and a tear falls. Juice sees me and asks "You okay baby?" and I can see the worry in his eyes. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just happy. Seeing you with our son just makes me happy." I tell him smiling. He stands and hands Xander to me before he sits next to me. "I love you Liv." he says. "I love you Juan. Thank you for this." I say and he smiles. "No baby. Thank you. I never thought I would have a family. You gave me that." he says. He kisses me softly before Xander starts to fuss. Juice pulls away and he stops fussing. "Looks like our son doesn't like you kissing Mommy." I say laughing. "He's gonna have to get used to it." he says before kissing me one more time.

A couple of days later, we head home and walk in to the entire club sitting in our living room. "Give me my grandson." Venus says. I hand him over and say "We decided that we are going to call him Xander." I tell everyone. "Kick ass name little girl." Happy tells me and I smile. Well, you all are gonna have to help show him how to be a SON." I tell them and they all smile. "You okay with that?" TO asks. "My husband and Pop are SONS and I love all of you guys so yeah, I'm okay with that." I tell him and Juice kisses the top of my head. "You guys wanna see something funny?" Juice asks and they all nod. He walks over and takes Xander from Venus and puts him in my arms. Xander is looking up at me and Juice kisses me, soft and sweet and Xander starts fussing. Juice pulls away and he stops. Kissing me again, he starts to fuss again and stops when Juice pulls away. Everyone starts laughing at this and Tig says "Already protective of Mommy."

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