Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Juan pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. I look over to Chibs and he's on his phone. Once he hangs up, he says "The guys are on their way to help." Juan nods. "I can set up the two guest rooms for the night. We can pack and head home in the morning. That will give you some time to spend with your brothers before we go." I tell Juan. "That's fine babe." he says. I pull away and head down the hall to make sure the rooms are ready. Once I'm done, I walk back into the living room and see the guys walking in. "Liv? Come here a minute" Juan says. I walk over to him and he says "These are some of my brothers. This is Happy, Tig, TO, Rat, Montez and Quinn. Guys, this is my Old Lady, Liv." he says. I smile softly and say "Nice to meet you guys." I sit with them for a while and listen to the conversations and listening to them catch up before I get up and say "I'm gonna start dinner." Juan kisses me softly before letting me go.

I'm in the kitchen, cooking, when Tig walks in. "You okay Doll?" he asked. "Yeah. Thanks." I say. "Something's on your mind." he says and almost sounds fatherly. "I'm okay." I say but I don't look at him. "You know, you remind me of my daughter. She was always worried more about making sure everyone else was good instead of worrying about herself." he tells me. "You see her much?" I asked. "Nah. She hates the life I live. We talk on the phone couple times a year though." he tells me. "So, what's on your mind?" he asked again. "I know he misses you guys. That's why I told him he should go back. I love him but I know if I go back, I'm dead." I tell him. "No you ain't. We won't let that happen." he tells me. "What did he do to you?" he asked. "Beat me and raped me daily. Then traded me to Alvarez for drug debt." I tell him. "Juan was patient with me and helped me through the nightmares and panic attacks." I tell him. "Sweetheart, I'll protect you like you're my own. We all will." he says. "I'm just a little worried. That's all." I tell him. Tig pulls me into a hug and says "We got you kid." before pulling away. "Thanks Tig." I tell him, feeling a little better about moving now.

When dinner's done, we sit down to eat. "This is amazing kid." Tig says. Everyone agrees. "Thanks guys. So, when we get home, where are we gonna live?" I asked. "Venus is setting up the house for you now. We won't need to take the furniture." Tig says. "Good. It sucks I can't take my flowers." I say and Juan laughs. "What flowers?" Quinn asked. "Follow me guys." Juan says. We all walk out to the back deck and Juan turns on the lights. "Holy shit. You did this?" Montez asked me. "Yeah. Well, me and Juan." I say. "This is amazing Lass. The house has a big enough back yard. You just tell us what you need and we'll get it for you." Chibs says. We all sit around out back for a while and I tell them about my ex. "Once we get you moved in, we'll handle that prick." Tig says.

We go in and start packing up what we need to take with us. We get everything but our duffle bags put into the car and the small U-Haul trailer that Quinn got for us. Everyone turns in for the night but I can't sleep. I slide out of bed and head out to the back deck.

Sitting on the steps, looking out at the night, I hear the door open. Tig sits down next to me and asks "What's on your mind kid?" Sighing, I say "I guess it's just my nerves." He puts his arm around me and says "We got you baby girl. You're one of us now." Looking out at the garden, I tell him, "When we first got here, my nightmares were so bad. I would sit out here most nights, all night, because I was so scared to go back to sleep. I knew if I did, I'd see his face. Juan...Juice, he makes me feel safe, you know. He showed me that I could breathe again. He held me when I would cry from the memories. Even though he was going through his own shit, he healed me." I tell him and feel the tears start to fall. He pulls me to him and asks "It's more than your ex that's bothering you about going back isn't it?" I nod. "Listening to you all talk about the club girls, I don't know if I can compete with that." I say. "Baby girl, listen, that man loves you. They won't be able to do for him what you do." he tells me. "Love isn't always enough. He'll get there and realized he missed that part of his life too." I tell him before getting up and walking back into the house.

The next morning, we all get up and head out the door. Getting in the car, I've barely said anything all morning. Once I'm inside the car, Tig walks over to my opened window and says "It's all gonna be okay. Trust me." he tells me before heading to his bike. We get on the road and Juan reaches for my hand. I let him take it but I don't look his way. "You okay baby?" he asked. "Yeah. Just my nerves. I'm good." I tell him but still don't look at him because I know he'll see I'm lying. "Talk to me." he says. Pulling my hand from his, I tell him "If you change your mind about us, you'll tell me right?" I asked. Pulling to the side of the road, the rest of the guys following suit, he asks "What? Why would I change my mind?" he asked. "Just promise me you'll tell me." I say, looking down at my hands. "Baby, I'm not changing my mind." he says. "Let's just go." I say. "No. Not until you tell me where this is coming from." he says. Tig walks up and asks "Everything okay?" Juan tells him "I don't know." Tig looks at him and says "Can I get a minute brother?" Juan nods and follows him over to the guys. "She told me last night that she's scared that you are going to see the club girls and realize you missed that part of the life too and that she won't be enough." Tig says. "Shit." Juan says before walking over to my car door and opens the door. "Come here Liv." he says. I get out of the car. Pulling me to him, he kisses me with more passion and more love than he ever has before and when we come up for air, he says "You are it for me. As soon as we're back, I'm taking you to the courthouse and marrying you for real. You're my wife and I will never want anyone else. You hear me?" he asked. "Yeah baby. I'm sorry." I tell him. "Don't apologize. But you start feeling like that, you tell me." he says. I nod. I look to Tig and say "Thanks Pop." Tig smiles and I kiss Juan before getting into the car and heading to Charming.

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