Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sitting in the clubhouse, Venus hasn't left my side and Juice is next to me with his laptop tracking Mark's phone. I have my head laying on Juice's shoulder and I am looking at the screen. I see the address that pulls up and I say "I know that address." Juice looks at me and says "How?" Sitting up straight I say "That's where I lived with Jake." He looks at me and says "Can you tell me the layout of the place? Any hidden areas?" He asked and I nodded. I tell them the layout and that there's a basement door in the back of the pantry off the kitchen and downstairs was the playroom. I told them about the bed, the cameras and all of the sex toys that were down there that they would use on me. Juice puts the laptop down and asks the guys to give us a minute before they head out. "You stay here with Venus. Don't go outside, okay?" he asked. I nodded. "I love you baby. I won't let him near you. I promise I'll protect you. You believe me right?" he asked. "I believe you. I love you Juan. Please be careful and come back to me." I tell him. He kisses me deeply and walks out to meet the rest of the guys.

After he leaves, I walk to his dorm and lay down. I start to sob and Venus comes to check on me. "Talk to me baby girl." she says. "I'm just worried. What if he isn't there when they get there?" I asked. "He will be. But try to rest. I'll send Juice back here when he gets back." she tells me. "Thanks Momma. Love you." I say. "Love you too sweetheart." she tells me.

They pull up to the address and see that there are no neighbors. Sneaking into the house, the house is quiet. They head to the pantry and hear noises coming from behind the door leading to the basement. Sneaking in, they creep down the stairs and see a girl tied to the bed crying and Mark hovering over her. "Don't cry. You know you want this. I own you now. This pussy? That's mine. These tits? Those are mine. Shit baby, that ass? That's mine too. No one touches you unless I tell you to let them. I'm gonna fuck your pretty pussy so fucking hard baby." he says and she pulls against the ties and sobs. Not being able to take it anymore, we creep in and Happy puts his gun to Mark's head. "Back away." Happy tells him. I run over and cover the girl up as Chibs and TO are untying her. Tig walks over and helps Happy hold Mark. Once the girl is intied, I hand her the clothes that were on the floor and tell Rat to take her upstairs. "No one's gonna hurt you. Go with Rat and stay with him. You're safe now." Juice tells her and she nods before going with Rat upstairs.

Happy and Tig tie him to the bed where the girl once was. "Doesn't feel so good being tied up against your will does it?" Juice asked Mark. "Who the fuck are you?" Mark asked. "Does the name Liv ring a bell?" Juice asked. "What's she got to do with this?" Marks asked. "She's my wife you stupid fuck. And now, because of what you did to her and what you were about to do to that girl, you get to fucking die." Juice says. His eyes go wide and Juice says "Tig, you want in on this? She's your kid after all." Juice asked. "Hell yeah." Tig says. He gets in Mark's face and says "You will never touch my kid again. We're gonna have a little fun with you. Let's strip him and flip him over." Tig says. We all do what he says and Tig walks over to get the largest dildo that they had out and shoved it up Mark's ass. Listening to him scream around the ball gag, Juice asks "That how Liv sounded when you raped her? When you beat her?" Tig shoves the dildo up Mark's ass again. When he was about to pass out, Juice takes his Kbar and shoves it into Mark's side. They load him up in one of the vans and TO, Rat and Chibs head to bury him even if he's still breathing. Juice, Happy and Tig head back to the clubhouse with the girl.

They walk into the clubhouse and I was sitting around waiting. I tried to sleep but couldn't. I see Juice walk in and run to him and he wraps his arms around me. "He's gone." he whispers. I visibly relax and look at him and say "Thank you Juan." He kisses me softly before I move to Tig and hug him. "Thank you Pop." I say. "We got you kid. But we need your help now." he tells me and motions to the girl standing next to Happy. I walk over and hug Happy and thank him for helping and he nods. I look at the girl and ask her name. "What's your name sweetheart?" I asked. "Kali." she says. "Found her in the basement." Tig says and I know what he is getting at. "Come on. We need to talk." I tell her and lead her back to the dorm me and Juice are staying in. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I don't know." she says. "Did he rape you Kali?" I asked. "Not yet. He was about to before your friends showed up. How did they know I was there?" she asked. "They didn't. They were looking for him for me. He was best friends with my ex. They would take turns raping me in that very basement. Have you been seeing him?" I asked. "No. He came into my job and started talking to me and asked me out. That was our first date." she tells me. "I'm glad they got there when they did. It could have been a lot worse. But you're here now and no matter what, I have your back. My name is Liv. If the guys brought you here, that means you're one of us now. You need anything you let me or Venus know. I'll introduce you when we go back out to the main room. Do you have somewhere to stay?" I asked. "I was living with a friend until recently. I have been living in a motel and now I don't know what I'll do because I lost my job the other day." she tells me, looking down. "We got you. I'll talk to Venus about getting a dorm here for you and I am sure we can help you with the job front." I tell her. She hugs me and we head out to the main room.

Once out at the bar, I introduce her to everyone and I say "Kali needs a place to stay. She's staying at the motel and is looking for work." I tell them. "She can work in the office here and we will get a dorm ready for her." Venus says. Kali looks at Venus and says "Thank you." Happy walks over and puts his hand on the small of her back and says "I'll take you to the motel to get your things." She nods and they head out the door. I look at Juan and say "I wonder what's happening there?" He smiles and says "I don't know."

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