Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

After eating and cleaning up, Juice and I head home. Walking into the door, he grabs a beer and I grab a glass of wine and we head out to the back deck. That seems to be our thing. Sitting in out chairs, he laces his fingers with mine and kisses my knuckles. "What are you thinking?" Juice asks. "Just about how far we've come. When I first met you, I couldn't even look at you. Juice, Kali almost went through what I did. If you hadn't gotten there..." I start. "But we did baby." Juice says. "I know. And I am so thankful for that. No one should go through what I did." I tell him. "I know baby. But I promise that you won't go through that again." he tells me. I move over to his lap and snuggle into him. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close and I feel a tear fall. "Hey. It's okay baby. I got you." he tells me as he kisses the top of my head.

That night, we are lying in bed and I can't seem to get close enough. He turns to face me and pulls me close, wrapping his entire body around me, pulling me closer. I finally doze off to sleep hearing him tell me it's okay. I wake up a little later in a cold sweat and can't breathe. Getting up, I run to the bathroom, sick and Juice is right behind me, holding my hair back and rubbing my back. Once everything has left my stomach, I sit on the floor and try to catch my breath. "You okay?" He asks. I don't look at him but say "Yeah. Bad dream." I tell him. "Wanna talk about it?" he asks. I sit there a minute and hear Venus' voice in my head telling me to talk about it. "I was dreaming he was back." I say. "Baby, he's not coming back." Juice tells me. "I know." I say. He helps me back to bed and wraps his body around me again as I doze back off to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, I get out of the bed and I'm feeling a little better. I move to the kitchen to start breakfast. I must have been in my own thoughts when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and lips on my neck. "Morning baby." he says "Morning." I say. "You feeling better?" he asks. "A little. I'm sorry about last night. Just seeing how close she was to going through that, it got to me." I tell him. "Don't apologize. There's gonna be times where it comes to mind. When it does, I'll be here." he tells me. "Thank you." I tell him. Kissing him softly, he picks me up and puts me on the counter. Looking into my eyes, he says "I love you." I look at him and say "I love you too."

Later, we head to the clubhouse and are sitting around. I'm on one of the couches with Juice next to me and his arm around me. "You okay Sweetheart?" Venus asks. "Yeah. Just had a bad night." I tell her. She looks at Juice and he nods and she understands. "Come on." she tells me and the calls for Kali and takes us to the office at the garage. Sitting us down, she says "You two both have been dealing with the same trauma. Now, we need to figure out how to help both of you." she tells us. I look at Kali and she's looking at her hands. "I don't know. I had a bad one last night and Happy just held me but it's not fair to him to have to put up with it." she tells me. "I felt the same way when I first got with Juice. It gets easier. I had one last night. All they can do is be there for us. But how do we stop the dreams?" I ask. "When you start feeling things creeping in, replace it with something else. Make love to your men." Venus says. "I haven't..." Kali says. "Do you want to?" Venus asks. "I do. It's hard sleeping next to him and not doing anything but I worry that he'll reject me." she says. "I thought the same thing. Just jump on him. Start rubbing on him and he'll respond." Venus tells her.

We walk back into the clubhouse, I walk to Juice and pull him close. He wraps his arms around me and just holds me. I look to Kali and she looks at Happy and asks "Can we talk?" He nods and she leads him to the dorm room.

Kali and Happy walk into the dorm and he locks the door. She leads him to sit on the bed and she stands between his knees. He looks up at her and she says "I'm tired of being scared." He looks at her and she leans down and kisses him softly. His hands move to her hips as he pulls her closer. She pushes him onto his back and straddles him. Sitting up, she pulls her shirt over her head and then unclasps her bra. Leaning back down to kiss him, he turns them over and hovers over her. "You sure about this little girl?" he asks softly. She nods her head and he leans down to kiss her. Kissing down her neck and to her chest. Nipping and sucking on each nipple before he kisses down her stomach. He starts to remove her pants and panties as he starts licking and sucking her clit, causing her to come undone. Moving up above her, he stands to remove his pants and boxers as he places himself between her legs. "If you need to stop, you tell me. This is about you little girl." he says. She nods and he enters her slowly. Giving her a minute to adjust to his size, she nods and he starts to thrust in and out slowly. She starts to moan in his ear. "Faster Happy. Please." she moans and he starts thrusting faster and harder. "Cum for me baby. Show me how good it feels." he rasps and that throws her over the edge but her tightness is too much and he follows right after. "Fuck little girl. You're so fucking tight." he says. "That a good thing?" she asks. "Hell yeah." He says.

They get up and dressed and head out to the main room. I'm still staying close to Juice when I see happy and Kali walk over and she looks happier. I look at her and she nods telling me she's okay. I wrap my arms around Juice's waist and he holds me as close as he can get me. "You okay?" he asks. "I will be. Can we crash here tonight?" I ask. "Yeah baby." he says.

On The RunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora