Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Waking up the next morning, Juice is already up for the day. I smell coffee and bacon. Putting on my panties and his shirt from the night before, I head into the kitchen. Leaning against the doorway, I just watch him. He sees me there and says "What? No kiss good morning?" I smile and walk over. Kissing him softly I say "Morning baby." He smiles and says "Morning wifey." I start laughing. "You're so corny." Looking over his shoulder he says "But you love me." Smiling I say "That I do. How long have you been up?" I asked. "Long enough to go for a short run, shower and start breakfast." he tells me. "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked. "Wanted you to sleep. You were so tired last night." he says smirking. "Hey, that was all your fault. You're the one that suggested the second christening." I tell him and he starts laughing. "I didn't hear you complaining." he says. "Hell no. Love my big Rican." I tell him and he smirks at me, causing me to blush a little.

Sitting down to breakfast, I say, "What would you say if I said I wanted to start running with you?" He looks at me and smiles and says "I'd love the company." I look at him and smile. "So, what's on the agenda today?" he asked. "Working at the garage but have church in an hour. Wanna ride in with me? Watch me work?" he asked and I started laughing. "I'd like that." I tell him. We finish breakfast and I clean up the kitchen while he showers before walking to the bedroom to get dressed for the day. Walking in, I see Juice coming out of the bathroom in just a towel and still just the sight of him drives me crazy. I walk over and start to pull out clothes for the day and he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. Kissing my neck, he whispers into my ear, "I love when you wear my shirts. So fucking sexy." he says. Laughing I say "If we make it quick we have time before we have to leave." I say.

Juice walks into church ten minutes late with a few new love bites on his neck and I can hear the guys laughing through the double doors. Sitting at the bar with Venus she asks "How was your night?" Smiling I say "Pretty active." She looks at my neck and says "I can tell." I blush a little and she says "Sweetheart, you're newlyweds. It's okay to be all over each other." she tells me. "But that's the thing. We're only technically newlyweds. I don't think we were this affectionate when we were in Mexico." I tell her. "You and him are perfect for each other." she tells me. All of a sudden, a new little croweater walks over and says "I don't know who you are but you need to back off. Juice is new meat and there's a pecking order here when it comes to the men." she tells me. "Baby girl. I'm not a croweater. I'm an Old Lady. You're the one that needs to back off." I tell her. "Juice just came back. He ain't got an Old Lady." she tells me. "Where the fuck have you been? Sweetheart, I walked in the door with him when he came back. We're married. Now, why don't you find another SON to lust over." I tell her and turn back to Venus.

A few minutes later, the guys come out of church and Jill goes right for Juice. She grabs his hand and tries to pull him to the couch but he pulls his hand away and says "Hell no." before walking over to me and pulling me to him. I look at her and she's glaring at me so I just do a sweet little finger wave with an innocent smile. She turns her nose up and walks over to her friends. "Something I need to know?" he asked. "Bitch thought I was a croweater and told me to back off." I tell him. He looked at me shocked and asked "Why would she think you're a croweater?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know. I mean, I'm wearing clothes. That should have been a dead giveaway." I tell him laughing. "Don't worry. She's not the one that I want." He tells me before kissing me deeply. "Good." I tell him before pulling him to the dorm for yet another round with my big Rican.

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