Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

That night, we crash at the clubhouse. Heading into our dorm, with Kane walking beside us, off his leash, we walk into the dorm and lock the door. Lying down on the bed, Kane gets on his dog bed and I lay my head on Juice's chest and drift off to sleep. I must have just started having a nightmare because I felt Kane licking my face and nudging my forehead with his to wake me up. "Hey buddy." I say and he lays his head down on my chest while I pet his head. "Hey baby. You okay?" Juice asks. "Yeah. I must have started having a nightmare because Kane woke me up and just stayed with me." I say. Juice pets the top of Kane's head and says "Good boy. You took good care of momma." he says to Kane. After we pet him for a minute, Kane gets back down and heads to his dog bed. "Looks like getting him was a good idea." I tell Juice. "Are you okay?" he asks. "Yeah. I don't know what I was dreaming about but it was enough to trigger him waking me up." I tell him. "Good baby. He's a good dog." Juice says. "He is." I say.

The next morning, I wake up and Juice and Kane are gone. I get dressed and head out to the main room and sit at the table between Juice and TO. "How'd you sleep?" TO asks. "Good. I guess I started having a nightmare last night because Kane woke me up before it registered what I was dreaming." I tell him. "Good. That's how Chopper was with my sister. It's like they can sense when you are in distress even when you don't realize it." TO says. Kali and Happy walk in with Ginger and sit across from us. "How'd you sleep?" Juice asked Kali. "Good. Ginger didn't go far from me. I woke up from a nightmare and while Happy held me, Ginger was lying in my lap. Really helped. I didn't have a panic attack this time." she says. "Good." I say. "Thanks for the idea brother." Happy tells TO and he nods. "We take care of our own right?" TO asks and we all nod.

A little later, we head home and as soon as we walk into the house, Juice leads Kane to the back yard. We sit on the steps as Kane explores the backyard and I smile watching him. "What are you thinking about?" Juice asks as he puts his arm around me pulling me into his side. "Just what it would be like to have kids running around this yard with him." I tell him. "I was thinking about that too." he tells me. I look up at him and ask "Can we try?" He kisses me softly and says "Yeah babe. We can try." I lay my head on his shoulder as we watch Kane run around the yard playing by himself.

That night, we head to bed and as Kane lays on his bed, Juice and I climb into bed. Juice hovers over me and I whisper "Love me Juan." He kisses me and we start to shed clothes before he enters me. Slowly making love to me all night long as we reconnect over and over again.

Three months later, I wake up and Juice and Kane are gone. Juice has started taking Kane on runs with him. I get out of bed and run straight to the bathroom, sick. What the hell? I think to myself. I am still in the bathroom emptying my stomach when I hear the front door and Kane runs right to my side. He lays his head on my lap and nudges my stomach. I pet the top of his head as Juice walks to the bathroom door. "You okay babe?" he asks. "I don't know. Just woke up and got sick." I tell him. "I'll call Chibs and tell him I won't be there. We'll get you checked out." he says and I nod. I stand to head to the bedroom to get dressed and Kane is right by my side. I sit on the bed a minute and Kane gets on the bed and keeps nudging my stomach. I look at Juice and ask "You don't think?" He smiles and says "Let's hope so."

We head to the doctor and after the blood work is done, the doctor comes in. "Well, looks like the pregnancy test came back positive. Congratulations. Now, let's see if we can see how far along you are." she says. Pulling the ultrasound machine over, she puts the gel on my stomach and moves the wand around. We hear the little thumping of the baby's heartbeat. Then she moves it around a little more and we see a little blob on the screen. "Looks like you're measuring at six weeks. I'll print out the pictures for you and then get you the prescription for your prenatals and set your next appointment." she tells us. Handing Juice the pictures he says "Kane was right." The doctor looks at us confused and I say "Our dog was nudging my stomach this morning after I got sick." I tell her and she smiles.

We head to the house to get Kane and head to the clubhouse. Walking in I see Venus and Tig sitting at the bar and Kane walks over to Tig and sits beside him waiting to get told hello. "What's going on?" Tig asks when he sees us smiling. I hand him the ultrasound picture and say "Looks like you and Venus are going to be grandparents." They smile and hug us. We announce it to everyone and they all come over and congratulate us. I snuggle into Juice's side and he whispers "I love you."

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