Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Walking into the house, Juan pulls me closer and I hold him as tight as possible. I pull him to sit on the couch and see he's starting to have a panic attack. "Hey, look at me. Breathe baby. Breathe." I say softly. We had gotten better about helping each other through our panic attacks. "Talk to me." I say. "The guy that I saw, had on the same kutte I used to wear." he says. "Did you recognize him?" I asked. "Yeah. He was my best friend in the club. The one that I prospected under." he tells me. "You think he saw us?" I asked. "I hope not." he tells me. I lean back on the couch and pull him to lay his head on my chest and I run my nails over his head, calming him. "I got you baby. It's all gonna be okay." I tell him softly. When he calms down, he leans up and kisses me. "I love you Liv." he says. I smile softly and say "I love you too Juan." It's the first time we have said I love you but it feels like the most normal thing in the world.

The next morning, we get up and head out the to the back yard to plant my flowers, trying to stay busy. We hear a bike pull up and he freezes. We run into the house and Juan grabs his gun and looks out the door. "They found me. Baby, hide. Don't come out until I come for you." he says. I kiss him quickly and says "I love you." He says "I love you." before pushing me towards the bedroom. There's a knock on the door. "Juice, we know you're in there." we hear someone say in a Scottish accent. Juice doesn't move. "Come on. I just wanna talk to ya Lad. I'm not armed. You can check me." he says. Juice opens the door but doesn't let him in. "Show me." Juan says. The Scottish man shows he's not armed and Juan lets him in. "What do you want? Bringing one of the guys to kill me?" I hear Juan ask and I feel the tears start to fall. "No, Lad. Just wanted to talk to ya. Some things have come to light that you need to hear." he tells Juan. "How'd you find me, Chibs?" Juan asked. "Talked to Alvarez, knew he was the last to see you, told him what's come to light and he told me where to find you." Chibs says. "You want to talk, talk." Juan says. "The club knows what Jax did to you. What he made you do. Jax confessed everything." Chibs says and there's silence. Finally Juan speaks. "What's that mean?" he asked. "That means, Jax met Mayhem. He's dead, brother." Juan doesn't say anything. "That what you came to tell me? I couldn't care less that he's gone." Juan says finally. "The club, we talked about things. When I found out you were still alive, I told the club. We voted to ask you to come back." Chibs says. "You were manipulated. You didn't deserve what you got and I can promise it won't happen again. The club is different now." Chibs explains. "How's that?" Juan asked. "I'm President now. Althea and I work together much like Unser and Clay did but more on the straight and narrow. Tig's VP now. Venus keeps him straight. Hap is SAA and TO from the Grim Bastards is our treasurer and advisor." Chibs says. "I don't know. It's not just me anymore." Juan says and I hear Chibs ask "What do you mean brother?" Juan walks in and says "Liv? It's okay. Come out." he says. I come out of my hiding place and walk out to the living room, hand in hand with Juan. "Chibs, this is Olivia. When Marcus helped me escape, he gave us a marriage license. She's my wife." Juan says and Chibs smiles. "You got married?" he asked. "Not legally but we have papers that Marcus gave us." Juan explains. "Well, welcome to the family Lass." Chibs says. "Can we talk about it?" Juan asked. "Of course. I'll come by about this time tomorrow and we'll talk more." Chibs says before shaking Juan's hand and leaving.

"What do you think?" Juan asked me. "Do you miss the club?" I asked. "Yeah. It was a family. They were my family." he says. "You should go. You have a chance to have your life back." I say. "What about you? You're coming too." he says. "I can't go back. I'll be okay here." I tell him, pulling away from him. "I'm not going without you." he says. "Yeah. You are. You need your family." I tell him. "You're my family." he says. "Juan, we aren't even legally married. You can walk away anytime. You need this. You won't have to look over your shoulder anymore. You'll have your brothers." I tell him. "Why can't you go with me?" he asked. "Because if Jake finds me, he'll kill me." I tell him. "Then me and the club will keep you safe or else I stay here with you." he says. "No. You need to go." I say, walking out to the patio with tears in my eyes. He has the chance to get his life back. He needs to do that. I can't let him stay.

I sleep in the spare room that night and Juan gives me my space. Getting up the next morning, I start breakfast for him and when he comes into the kitchen, we don't speak. I put his plate in front of him and head out the back door with my coffee. A few minutes later, he walks out and sits next to me on the steps. "You need to eat." he says softly. "I'm okay." I tell him. He tries to take my hand and I pull away. "Please don't do that." he says. "You should get your things packed so when Chibs gets here you can go." I tell him and go to stand. "I'm not going anywhere without my wife." he says. "I'm not even your wife." I say before walking off to the guest room.

A little later, I hear Chibs come in. "Hey brother. You talk to the Lass?" he asked. "Yeah. She's telling me to go back." Juan says. "That's good news brother. So, let's get you and the Lass packed and on the road." Chibs says. "She says she can't go back and I may not be her husband legally but brother, she's my Old Lady and I can't leave without her." Juan says. I finally walk out to the living room and say "You need to go Juan. I told you I'd be fine here." Chibs looks at me and asks "Do you love him?" I look at Juan and then back at Chibs and say "More than anything. That's why I keep telling him he needs to get back to his life. I know he misses it." I tell him. "Then why can't you come with him?" he asked. "My ex. He lives in Lodi. He, uh, traded me to Alvarez in order to clear his drug debt. If I go back, my ex will kill me. I'm safer here." I explain. Chibs gets up and walks over to me. "You're family now Lass. That means we protect you with our lives. You're an Old Lady now. We won't let anything happen to you." he says. I look to Juan and he nods. I look back at Chibs and say "Looks like we're going home." Juan walks over to me and kisses me and says "I love you baby. I won't let him hurt you."

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