Kidnapped by lunatic

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I was out shopping when I passed this lingerie store on the 3rd floor of some mall,honestly,I just came out here to get food and clothes,but I had enough spending money in case I wanted something extra.

(Lingerie,huh,I already have enough underwear,buuut,eh,getting one or two sexy underwear won't hurt,)I open the door to the store making the door bell jingle.

There were a few girls in the store with their friends,looking and trying on different types of underwear,beside the door was a waiting area and in the three seats were three guys trying not to make eye contact with anyone,I think that they didn't even want to use their phones was because they think people would think they're taking pictures of the girls.

I pout to myself,jealous that the girls had boyfriends to follow them when they were shopping, (And here I am by myself,I almost feel ashamed,)

I spent a couple minutes looking around seeing which one I liked the most,so far I like two things,a cute pink revealing one and a black one as well.

I picked the two of them and went to the cashier to buy them,"Ok,I'll take these." I said as I handed them over.
The female cashier added up the total payment for my stuff,I took the time to actually get a good look at her,long silky black hair,a pretty face and a great body over all.

I tried my best to hide my bloodlust smile as I touched my knife in my skirt,thinking about slashing her up and drinking her blood.

(Author thoughts:I'm surprised that she nor stain has aids yet,they're cheating the system of body functions.)

The cashier finished cashing my things and asked, "Will that be all?"with a smile,"Yes,that's all,thank you,"I said as she gave me a bag with my things inside,"Ok,have a nice day,"she said as I asked,"Wait,when do you close today?"

"Oh,6:30 P.M. sharp,"she says with a smile,"Ok,thank you",and with that I exit the store and looked at my watch,"Four hours from now,"I said as a sinister smile came across my fac, I walked away imaging the fun I was gonna have later,I looked over the railing at the people down below,some were celebrating with there families,some were by themselves looking miserable and some where hanging out with their friends.

I then saw a cute couple walking around holding hands,they seemed to be have a wonderful time together,laughing and joking it would seem.

I got jealous again,I've never been on a date before,all my love interests I've kidnapped either died too quickly or simply called me a monster and creep,I sigh to myself and said"It's hard being a girl in love,especially when the guy you like is a hero,"then my mind went to Izuku.

Izuku Midoriya,oh wouldn't I love to see or hear your voice once more,I haven't seen you after the heroes took down the yakuza and your fight with Chisaki,oh,how you looked so cool and bold when you fought him...I think I even wet myself a little while watching.

"Oh Izuku,if I could even see you once that would be good enough for me."I whispered to myself as I stepped away from the railing.

"Hey,Deku,over here looks good right?"I froze upon hearing this,did she just say Deku?

I walk back to the railing and scanned the lower area then something caught my eye,someone with green and black hair was walking to the food court and they had on a UA uniform,along with three other people who had on the same uniform.

"D-D-Deku!!"I squealed in excitement.

I then ran down the stairs as fast as I could so that I could catch up to them,(My Izuku is here along with my friends,Ochacho and Tsuyu.)The bloodlust was rushing to my head as my entire face turned red,my heart was racing as my entire body started to overheat.

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