Chapter 28: The Will of Cats

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In the Pokemon World, Sasuke was in front of an announcement board in the middle of the forest with Chairo on his shoulder. Looking at a poster that was promoting "Alolan High School"

Sasuke: I never realized Pokemon can go to school.

Chairo: Yeah, I though they learn on their own in the wild.

Sasuke: Maybe it's something we never notice until now.

Chairo: Father?

Sasuke: Hm?

Chairo: Is it okay if can go to school too? I mean, if you don't mind.

Sasuke: I won't mind, but after we finished the world match and end this all forever.

Chairo: Then me and everyone else can go to school?

Sasuke: Yeah, after that, the 6 of you can choose your own path.

Chairo: Thanks, Father.


In the Shinobi World, Ash's team was at in the Hokage Room, hearing what Naruto will say to them.

Naruto: Alright, thank you for coming here Ash. I got a mission for you three.

Ash: That's great, but where's Sai-Sensei?

Naruto: Sai? Oh, he's at the Anbu Black Ops, controlling everything.

Pikachu: Pika Pi Pikachu (No wonder he was in a hurry)

Naruto: Anyway, I'm teamming you up with someone from another village.

Sylveon: Sylveon? Sylvie? (Really? Who?)

The three saw a dark greyish cat with a blue tip hair with a headband around his neck appeared on Naruto's desk behind some tiny smokes.

Ash: Oh wow!

Naruto: Ash, Pikachu, Sylveon? I want you to meet Marshmallow.

Marshmallow: It's a pleasure to meet you, Ash-nya.

Ash: *Giggles* They way of his talking is sweet.

Marshmallow: I'm not sweet-nya!!

Ash: *Pets Marshmallow's head* Aww come on, you don't need to...

But suddenly Marshmallow bites Ash's hand while he patted his that made him scream loudly.


In panic, Pikachu and Sylveon quickly pull Ash and Marshmallow away from each other.

Ash: *Blew his ached hand* Ouch ouch...

Marshmallow: That's what you get for mocking me-nya!!

Naruto: Okay settle down, let me get straight with the mission.

Sylveon: Sylveon. (Carry on.)

Naruto: So, Marshmallow told me that there were some thieves steal their Matatabis away from their village.

Ash: Matatabi?

Marshmallow: Silvervine to be exact, it's like something we cats love to use and made it into some sort of oil-nya.

Naruto: And their stock got stolen by some thieves who is actually a cat ninjas just like Marshmallow.

Marshmallow: But they aren't from my village-nya.

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