Halfway through (a quick A/N)

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[Please notice that i posted this and the last new chapter at the same time, to not get confused about starting on this chapter or something]


First, I apologize for the long wait for the last chapter. I know that I have brought many unanswered questions and certainly low logic in there.

I'm having a hard time with the future of this story and I'm busy with my thoughts right now.

I also hope that I did not ruin the story with these events. I meant in the Introduction Part that later in the story it will become a bit darker, this is just the beginning.

Naturally, I hope that this is okay. There will still be some romance and a quiet atmosphere between them, do not worry.

However, I do not want to destroy the whole story with that. I've had been thinking for a long time about how i will write this chapter, aaand i'm not happy with it.

I think I'll dive into the Date A Live franchise/story a bit more by now.

As you can tell by the headline of this A/N, that's only half of the story.

By the way i hope you noticed the little allusions in the last part. And yes, the masked person has no name, until now. I will enlighten you in the course of what it has to do with him.

[ And yes, this is not my character model you see in the picture. I'm not owning his design or anything i just love his whole appearance. Hope someone will recognize him ;) ]

- - -

But in the end, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. I didn't thought that anyone would read this story, even though that this is my first story ever written, yet alone my bad English skills haha.

One last thing though:

I don't know if it's all right as how i write the dialogues between the characters. I often repeat myself and sometimes it does not make even sense.

I had thought about a new spelling, one that is easier to read:


Instead of -

,,[Sample]" - [Character] said.

it would be -

[Character]: ,,[Sample]?"

[Character]: ,,[Answer]"


I don't know if this would look so much better, since I've already written the other parts like the one above.

I think I'm doing a little ,,side-spin-off date'' so you can see what it looks like.

But for now I will keep this style.

Thanks for all of your attention and I hope you still like my story.

Peace Out!

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