Chapter II

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Oh my god.

I stare at the arm I clenched in my rather bloody, animalistic hand before looking at the demon kneeling down before me. He was screaming curses that were probably aimed at me. Blood streamed endlessly from the mortal wound and his face was just contorted in pure agony.

"What? Didn't see that coming?" I ask, pretending like I intended to casually rip his arm off. He glared up at me. Nice going, (Y/N). Second kill of the day, what's next? A double murder?

"Sadistic bitch!" He bit out. Ah yes, this is Hell. They're sinners, no wonder why they don't hesitate to bite back. I swing my left leg and kick him right in the wound, knocking him down. It's because of the fact they've already died once.

I notice how the town had mysteriously cleared up. It was just me and this vile creature in the town. I looked down on his pain-writhing being condescendingly. "Wipe your mouth." I state bitterly, crouching and grabbing a fistful of hair. I lift his head up to stare him in the eyes while smiling sardonically. "It's still completely coated in all that trash you spit."

I watch as my nails elongate, pressing into his hair and grip tighter. I twist it, and take the bayonet latched to the side of his belt, along with the gun, yes I noticed it. I'm not dumb. I slit his throat then and there, watching the blood gush out. He erratically blubbered around like a fish out of water, gurgling and gasping. I stare from amusement, watching color from his face slowly drain, but take the final hit and snap his neck to get it over with. "There we are."

I didn't feel as panicked as I should be. Shouldn't I be shivering? Shaking in my boots from having killed someone in public? I stare down at the lifeless demon, analyzing the lifeless body. He was a total dick.

But where do they go? The thought hit me in a flash once I kicked him in the leg. I never even got this bastard's name.

"Richard." A voice rang out from an open building door across the street from where I stood. "His name was Richard, my dear." The voice was horrendously distorted with radio static, having a high and cheery pitch. I could make out the faint glow of wide, bright eyes.

"Screw off or I'll rip your voicebox out." I tilt my head back and send the demon lurking in the shadows a stoically hostile stare. It's a method of intimidation I guess. I drop the arm. I didn't spare him a second glance as I face forward and walk, using the body as a steppingstone. What? I don't want it to go to waste.

Whoever was in that open building didn't seem to follow me. Good. At least they know better than to provoke their own death sentence in this place meant for those already dead.

Anyway, I shrug it off. There's going to be more chances of encountering even more disgusting demons—or the mortally challenged to put it lightly—in a more urban area of this damn place. I shouldn't dwell on one encounter anyway. I store the bayonet and gun in the inner pockets of my jacket. Then, I realize that I have absolutely no shit idea as to where I am headed.

I blink and take a look around, as if I'm trying to find my phone. It was still pretty empty in this part of town, but I could see the blaring buildings in the distance. I'm probably in the suburban area right now and further outward is the impoverished places. It is Hell after all. Reincarnation is only for those a mix of good and bad in the world, but Hell is a prison cell that is built in and reinforced to be your purgatory for all the wrongs you've done.

I sigh. Best bet is to just keep moving forward, maybe drop by a bar and grab a few drinks if there is one. Getting into a car with a demon isn't gonna work. High likelihood of being raped or beaten. So, I kept moving forward in a steady manner and brisk pace. The blood from the Richard fellow earlier was already dissolving and disappearing from my hands, luckily.

Maybe it's because of the fact I killed someone. Maybe it's because I actually had the nerve to kill myself. Does that affect my sense of strength in an alternative plane of existence like this? The severity of sins you commit deciding your strength and what it built up to doesn't sound too far fetched from the truth.

I don't know how quick I'm going anymore. I just keep power walking forward with my gaze piercing the ground, keeping quiet all the way while my mind sang another tune. Murder is a mortal sin. I already managed to commit two of them in the past time span, one on Earth and one on entirely new plane of existence.

Hopefully I won't meet some other demon.

"'Ey there." I spoke too soon. I deadpanned while stopping in my steps to look at the male in front of me. And immediately, my first thought, is what the fuck? What kind of demon is this dude? Some kind of cliché, illegal government experiment on the run?

I immediately notice his contrasting, monochromatic sclera and vibrant pink irises. The white coat of natural color was evident with the lightly patterned tux he wore. The gloves he wore only made me think he's ready to commit a mass genocide on turf wars or something. The boots are very nice at complimenting his legs however.

But his anatomy is so messed up that it has me doubling over in laughter in a matter of seconds of looking at this fella.

"'Ey! What's wrong! Why ya laughin'!?" He snapped, gaping at my trembling figure as I fumble for words through fits of laughter. He had two pairs of arms attached to an extremely elongated torso, with long legs to add to his insanely skinny anatomy. His head was just there.

I wheeze out, "Why the hell does your head look like a piece of stretched out, beef jerky if a kid used it as a model for gluing white fur on it?"

Any mild amusement from my falling drained from his white beef jerky face. "Why, you little.." His voice was immediately cut off with a sharp rumbling from an aristocratic looking vehicle pulling up behind him. Mr. Four-arms seemed to notice as he loses remaining interest in lil' ol' me and faces the vehicle.

"Angel!" A piercing feminine voice came from the inside. The window in the center body of the limousine slowly rolled down to reveal a woman, I could only see her mid-bust and up, so I see her slightly dark skin and aesthetically gothic hairstyle. The light hair complimented it anyway. "Let's get going, we're not waiting around for you." She states plainly.

"Uh, yeah, just gimme a sec, would ya?" He responded. She seemed to notice me standing behind him, arms crossed and amused while staring. I merely wave at her with a grin. The supposed 'Angel' looks back at me and his heterochromatic eyes narrow. "Listen up eh?" He had a nice voice though, god damn.

He started approaching me in his long legged glory and my mind went shut down. Instincts kicked in and I had a gun aimed at him, loaded and safety disabled. "Uh uh uh. Don't you get anywhere near me." I hiss, dropping the bullshit act. "I already killed two people. I'd rather not add something worthless to the pile."

"What the hell!?" I could hear the vehicle door click open. His eyes widen once he registers the fact his hooker ass is being held at gunpoint, but something seems to comfort him as he smiled at me smugly. "You wouldn't pull the trigger." 'Angel' states calmly. "Not in front of Charlotte."

"Shar-latte, whoever the hell it is, I don't care." I growl out, lowering my gun slightly as I notice the light haired, slightly dark skinned witch approach us. "Angel, get inside the damn limousine!" She snapped, elbowing one of his arms. Angel blinked and nodded stiffly while his scrutinizing gaze glowered upon seeing my satisfied smile. "This one's a bitch." He commented under his breath as he walked over to the limousine.

The witch looked over at me. I looked back, keeping eye contact as I enable safety and slide it back under my jacket. "What?" I drawl, narrowing my eyes. I could feel the animal ears on my head twitch from the annoyance bubbling in my stomach. "Who're you? Charlie and I never saw you around." She states, tilting her head. An idiot wouldn't be able to realize she's attempting intimidating interrogation. Good thing I'm not born dumb then.

"(Y/N) (L/N). New to Hell." I state blandly, staring at her expectantly. She seemed slightly surprised that I was a new soul, but didn't falter with her introduction. "I'm Vaggie. Welcome to Hell, (Y/N)."

「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now