Chapter XVI

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I spent a lot of time on my studies and taking a break from writing this story since the load was suffocating. I'm sorry for leaving the story on such a cliffhanger so have this for now. :) Thank you for your patience!


"Four fractured ribs, several organs were penetrated including her liver and stomach. Her head endured a high level of trauma upon her passing out, only adding to the already present trauma that was strangely there. With the chemical imbalance and the trauma she endured, there's a chance that..."


The air was stifling to every sense of the word itself. It was as if someone had sprayed the room with a chemical that clouded the entirety of the otherwise vacant, confined room. The heavy atmosphere was only accompanied by the low humming of what seemed to be the air conditioning and the beeping of machines.

I didn't know exactly where I was, most likely a hospital considering the surroundings, but I just didn't know where. If that makes any sense at least.

The monitor displaying my heart beat was releasing soft beeps to indicate the steadiness of the system, which caught my attention at first. And the IV attached to my arm added to the slight confusion, along with the emptiness present in my head.

  It resembled that of a void; vague and lacking every little thing you could think of. It was discomforting but it was bearable in the very least.

Where the hell am I?

With a wince, I struggle to prop myself up with my arms as an attempt to at least incline my body. But as I did, instant regret slipped into my mind as white hot pain seared through my chest and abdomen.

"Ah, shit!" The cuss slipped from my mouth as my arms instinctively gave out and let me rest against the bed, the pain lingering but not as intense. The relief was an absolute blessing.

And what the fuck happened to me?

It was a blur. My memory, I mean. All images were blurred and were hard to make out, as if they didn't exist in the first place.

Just then, a woman dressed in the horrendous blue nursing scrubs stepped in.

It's a human..

I blink at the sudden thought.

"Oh! Oh my Gods!" The nurse's eyes expanded tenfold as she realized the patient that is myself was eyeing her with clear suspicion, before she raced out the door and shouted for what seemed to be another doctor.

That was strange.

I recline back against the comfy mattress and exhale deeply, the sound of my thundering heartbeat ripping through my eardrums as if it were reminding me of something. When was my chest this heavy?

  And before I knew it, I was sitting back up gripping the area in which my heart was. It wasn't even something I did of my own free will, it was so random and instinctive. I didn't know what to make of it.

  It was as if my body was lurching with life at my heartbeat. So strange. "Mmh." My stomach churned just a tad before it settled, my head lighting up with a bodily feeling of hunger. I cringe a little at the realization my stomach had been empty. Yet, a sweet flavor was lingering in my mouth. Red bean?

Footsteps suddenly came thundering down the hallway and I immediately stare at the door in anticipation. Anxiety built up in my chest and stifled my breath for a second, until a doctor dressed in the traditional white coat and mask came into the room.

  Surprise was etched into his features. "You're actually awake." He remarked.

  I press my lips together, unsure of how to answer to his words. Yeah, I am, I guess.

  He cleared his throat, regaining his professionalism. "I'll be back in a moment with the appropriate materials to record your vital signs, apologies for making you wait, Miss Northlake."

  I narrow my eyes. Northlake?

  "Hey wait-" I open my mouth to stop the doctor from leaving but it seems he paid me no mind. I frown a little and sigh in frustration.

  Northlake?? Why Northlake? That was my last name when I was—



「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now