Chapter IV

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I look around and awkwardly fidget with the sweater I was wearing, staring at the two female demons talking in front of me. They were discussing the show segment and seem keen on being discreet about it. Angel was somewhere, probably at the drugstore next door to buy something for a new high. Then I'm here, quietly thinking to myself and contemplating all my life decisions and what it took to get here.

Charlie's the Princess of Hell, Charlotte Magne, Vaggie's her close and intimate friend, and Angel is Angel.

Yeah. Okay.

"I don't know what to do." I grumble under my breath, rubbing my head. This whole thing seemed so fake, so fickle. Something made up by my braindead mind from shooting myself in the head. I just accepted this new world as if it was really here. Now that I got a dose of reality, I'm contemplating on the fact the bullet had screwed up my perception of reality. I'm expecting to wake up in a hospital room, but every time I think back to what happened, I'm not sure if I want to wake up.

I'd be arrested for homicide, so why wake up in a world that won't even accept you when I could stay here, a place that is brimming with sinners of all sorts?

I sigh shakily and shake my head. I need to calm down, romance has melted my old witty rationality down to a crisp. But lord, did it feel nice tearing my own husband apart. And yet..

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Charlie waved a hand in front of my face just as I pulled myself out of the trance I had forced myself into with the sea of dead thoughts known as my head. I blink and feign aloofness, before speaking. "Yeah, what's up?" I inquire, tilting my head slightly. She blinked back at me. "You seemed bothered. Do you want to wait back in the limo??" She offered gently.

I decline with the simple shake of my head. "No no, I'd like to watch this whole thing go down." I smiled slightly. I look past her figure and notice the rather slim woman being bubbly upon the camera rolling. Yes, I am in the station. And I have never felt more out of place, the only experience able to rival this uncomfortable feeling is the time I went to the wrong homeroom class.

The man beside her was adding to her narration and had this rather vile yet calm air floating around his being. I assume that's Tom Trench and Miss Incorrect Anatomy over there is Katie Killjoy. My face scrunched up thanks to my cringe instinct when I remembered her name. Are these names aliases?
I contemplate asking Charlie for a moment until I jump at the noise of hissing and a loud yowl.

Oh, lords.

Tom Trench was hunched over the table, groaning out in pain, steam seeping from his lap. Katie was just placing an empty cup away, chipper and happy as she casually continues to speak to the camera with that fake smile. Charlie was staring at the scene in horror and Vaggie held mild amusement but subtle annoyance. "She just.." The blonde whispered, staring at the scene with terror written all over her face.

"Poured boiling hot coffee all over his lap. She did." Vaggie slyly finished, narrowing her eyes. "Oh suck it up, you little bitch!" Killjoy sneered at the limp Trench, disgust embedded clear into her bright red eyes. I grimace at the scene. "What a mess.." The coffee had left the seat Tom sat on soaked, and I could see liquid slowly form a puddle that leaked on the floor and out from under the table.

I doubt that was any ordinary coffee. Any normal coffee wouldn't still be bubbling up from boiling after being poured. I frown as they hit a commercial break and Tom has been escorted out from the set. Katie merely scoffs and rolls her eyes, a scowl taking place as she leaves the set and as well.

"A low class bitch too." I murmur.

Vaggie snorted slightly and Charlie wagged her head in slight disapproval, though the look on her face made it seem like she halfheartedly agreed with my statement. At least I know that much.

Upon seeing Charlie, based on her gaze that landed on us, she bulldozed towards the other blonde. Charlie took a cautionary step back and Vaggie narrowed her eyes with a frown. Me, being behind then, took a smaller step back but kept my gaze pinned on the literally hideous demon. She seems like the type to eat you out. Not literally but emotionally.

Keep your mind out of the gutter, self.

Katie leaned in close to examine Charlotte, and when I say close, I mean close. I could make out the yellow pinpricks that were her pupils in the mellowed red sclera that consumed her eyes entirely. Her skin was extremely pasty and white, as if elmers glue had been slathered over her. A skin tone resembling Charlie's in a way. I'd probably mistake her as Charlie's mom had I been rather idiotic in a sense.

She narrowed her eyes at the shorter one and scoffed, as if insulted by her mere presence. Vaggie had decisively moved away to talk to the director, leaving me with the two blondes. I grimace, fixing the headphones around my neck, ones that had magically appeared earlier. Crazy, huh? Guess it's a natural power of a demon, albeit it sounds insane.

She leaned back, and as soon as I saw her open her mouth, I slid my headphones on. I'm all about confrontation and sticking up for people but I only do it when necessary. I'd rather not make it clear I'm a bloodthirsty maniac, even though I'm pretty sure I'd be good at it.

Even though there's no music, I bob my head and hum a tune. My gaze flickered around, searching for anything to distract me from Katie and Charlie until I see Vaggie giving me a weird look. I send her one right back and she points at my headphones. Instinctively, I touch around and notice it had wires.

Yes. I was wearing headphones that weren't even plugged in.

In an attempt to casually play it off, I shrug and smile a little. Her lips begin moving and I start to read them. "We're about to start."

I nod and turn towards the two blondes to inform them, simultaneously pulling my headphones down to hang around my neck. Immediately as I do, Katie speaks. "Look, my time is money, so I'll keep this short." Oh god, I already hate this woman so much based on her voice. I'm such a mood.

She pressed a finger against Charlie's chest. I narrow my eyes and frown. What the hell? I move over and slap her finger away with a pointed look, cutting her off. "If your time is money, spend those two dollars on something else." I sneer at the tall woman. She glared at me and continued.

Yeah. I hate her.

"You're not here because we wanted you here," she began nasally, "you're here because Jefrey couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment." Jefrey? As in Jefrey Dahmer? I cringe slightly and keep my gaze focused on Katie. Can't she just move away?

"You might be some royal bigshot, but that doesn't mean shit to me." She condescendingly glared down at Charlie. Not me, not Tom Trench, but Charlie. She didn't do shit to Katie yet she gets disrespected. Now that, that is what I hate. "I'm too rich and too influential to give a flying fuck about what some tux wearing, demon princess has to advertise." Killjoy sassily wagged her hips and honestly? She looked like a sad piece of soggy bacon.

"But I.." Charlie tried to speak out, a frown on her features. How uncomfortable she looked. Katie leaned in again, extremely close. "So don't get cute with me honey, or I will fucking bury you." I pounce at the cue, and push Katie down to the ground in a moment of frustration. "Back the fuck up." I growl, practically annoyed. How self entitled.

"(Y-Y/N)-" Charlie blurted frantically, eyes wide beside me. The news reporter looked heavily pissed as she glared daggers at me. It had no effect on me.

Then, a voice came, booming. "And we're live!" At the sound, Katie shot up from the ground. She made sure to grace me with one last scowl before bolting to the set and landing in her seat miraculously. Her chirpy voice came in a heartbeat. "Welcome back!" I gape and nearly scream as she tilts her head and cracks her neck in two in the process. I could see the bone, for crying out loud.

This is going to be a long, long life.

「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now