Chapter X

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So did it really have to come to this? I just wanted some good quality alone time with a glass of alcohol and my thoughts, but no. The lifestyle of Hell is to torture the souls even more right? Well yeah, that's exactly what's happening.

My fists were curled on my lap as I glare harshly at the gin and tonic. I feel like I'm ready to explode. I draw in a breath, snatching the glass and practically inhaling the remnants of the drink. I finish it with a huff, the unpleasant burn of distaste lingering on my tongue and throat.

It'll take lord knows what to get this horrendous feeling out. But regardless of my current situation, I ground out. "Actually I was just about to leave." The bartender clearly heard my words, but strangely enough didn't approach me regarding the payment for the alcohol.

Then it hit me. It was Alastor's presence.

Vaggie clearly had not been lying when she told me and Angel about Alastor's origin. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was true, since everything she didn't hesitate once to tell the tale. Hesitation is an obvious of lying anyway, and I would've been able to tell.

I mean. I am fluent in the language of lies after all.

But his presence. Was it really enough to dissipate the once cozy atmosphere of the bar and cause the patrons to be this unsettled? Everything seemed so stiff you could snap it in half, over your knee or even just with a small nudge.

I gulp and try to push away the momentary flicker of fear. That doesn't matter right now. I just want some alone time, why does it have to be so difficult?

  "And yeah, I do care if we have a chat."

I prep myself to stand until he chuckled and I froze. "I won't waste your time dear, I swear on my name." The crackle in his voice was so goddamn unsettling. And this was his regular speaking voice too, unlike his annoyingly loud one at the hotel. I was relieved of that so I made a mental note to thank him.

With a scowl, I sit down. "Coke and rum." I call out plainly, not in the mood to get another tonic. And like hell I'm ingesting anything he orders for me. "Are you sure you wouldn't want a glass?" Alastor chirpily inquired, nodding his head at the bartender while sliding his glass of wine over.

Once the coke and rum was delivered to my side, I prep it with a huff. "I'd rather not." Yeah, I was being rude with the hostility in my tone but I felt the need to make it clear his presence was pissing me off. Watch this man be oblivious about anything and everything.

He nodded simply. "Alrighty then. Now! To start a conversation!" The radio demon chirped, his smile only widening in a friendly manner. I scowl to myself and drink the alcohol slightly, finding myself not caring about the flavor of it. "In short you didn't seem all too happy back there. May I ask why?"

  Alastor must be referring to the fiasco at the hotel. Why would he of all people want to know about her endeavors?

  I rotate and tilt the glass continuously, dead silent as I contemplate how to handle this. "None of your business." It came out of my mouth with ease and honestly, I can say I didn't feel guilty about it. I just really yearn to be alone with my thoughts right now.

  Unfortunately he ignored it with an obnoxiously loud laugh. "Now now, no need to be like that, dear! It's just an innocent question!" Alastor chirped, maintaining his friendly nature. He seemed absolutely unfazed by my rudeness and instead piled it over with his formal casualness.

  Innocent question asked at a not so innocent time.

  "Well I didn't feel like being in a group or with anyone. Simple as that." I answer vaguely, trying not to appear hostile since I doubt this man is going to stay nice forever. Everyone has a breaking point in terms of friendliness and polite behavior, and Alastor definitely is no exception.

「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now