Chapter XII

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Note: Chapter is horrendously short since Chapter XIII-XIV will be lengthened tremendously. That's why I've been updating frequently, since the next two chapters will require patience and time.

"So good!" Charlie cheered, twirling her fork in the carbonara and scooping the noodles into her mouth. The grey skinned demon beside her nodded in agreement, gracing herself with a second helping of the carbonara.

  "Right?" She scooped some onto her plate before placing the fork for the main plate back where it belongs.

  I stare at the carbonara, narrowing my eyes before finishing the rest of the second bottle of water I had in this hour. You can never go wrong with water, especially when you had alcohol minutes prior.

  Charlie misinterpreted my intense stare and piped up. "Help yourself to some! It's for everyone!" The female scooped another spiral of noodles and placed it in her mouth, silently humming in delight.

  Honestly just watching them eat makes me gain twenty pounds.

  I quickly decline with a shake of my head. "Just leave some for take out or something and I'll eat the leftovers when we get to the hotel." Cold noodles is necessarily bad but isn't all that great either. Though they probably have a microwave so it'll be fine. If they don't have a microwave then that's just horrifying.

  Everyone I knew had a microwave or a microwave oven. It's something that most people have since it's multipurpose and also really convenient.

  The pale blonde nodded, going along with the compromise. "Alright, if you say so." She then proceeded to wolf down her serving in not snobby, ladylike but not savage manner. My respect for her momentarily grew.

  On the other hand, Alastor was eating as well. He wasn't being loud either or narrating every bite like some cooking show host which went against what I expected. He was just eating like a normal person, and he had decent manners.

  It has been about fifteen minutes since we order and fifteen minutes since Angel Dust left the pub. A little earlier I questioned it but all Vaggie and Charlie said went along the lines of 'drugs' and 'smoking' and all that. I understand why he's trying to go off clean now, since it's a nasty habit.

  I hate cigarettes with a burning passion. The burning aroma is something I can never stand without gagging or pinching my nose to stop myself from smelling it. The grey smoke or the orange ignition has never once tempted me into reaching for a stick and lighter.

I order another bottle of water in the meantime while they happily feast on the carbonara. My thirst is skyrocketing right now, so don't question me. Plus I still want to purge the alcohol from my body as soon as possible.

"We'll order another order for take out since it's almost done already." Charlie wiped her lips with a napkin, ridding it of any specks of sauce from the creamy noodle delight. My hunger is bound to be triggered eventually so this is probably not good for me.

Regardless I nod along. "Okay." They continue stuffing themselves to their hearts' content, probably relieved that this day is finally coming to a close. Food is a great way to indulge one's desires and yearnings in, considering how vast the selection and spread is.

  Alastor wiped the corners of his mouth using the napkin cloth. "It is very delicious!" He cheerfully stated. It appears that he's satisfied now in terms of hunger. He probably had about two to three servings but ate at a painfully slow rate, not like I'm counting.

  What? I do weird things when I'm bored.

  "Mhm! Agreed!" Charlotte sang, chewing on the noodles with such visible delight. I fondle with the full and untouched bottle of purified water, thinking to myself.

  Does this mean I won't reincarnate? I did commit one of the worst sins of all, that being murder. And then I went and shot myself, adding to the list of Things I (Sorta) Regret Doing.

  Like I've said before, if I survived then I would've just been, well, arrested. I'd probably be put in a mental asylum and be charged with murder. I'd live in black and white again without a clear idea of what colors were.

  I'd rather be here than be isolated in some rotting jail cell now.

  Vaggie pushed her empty plate aside and so did Charlie. The demon princess beamed brightly. "Let's order more so we can go to the market already!"

  It was only my first day in Hell and my first night. But if I had known how wrong this night was going to go I probably would've tried to stop what was coming.

「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ