Chapter XVII

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"Please! Please, let us come with her, I'm begging you!" The pleas and shrieks of raw sorrow and panic spilled from the flaxen blonde, eyes tinged and painted with red along the edges. It most likely came from the furious and vigorous rubbing that also came with the package of melancholy and tears.

  As she thrashed helplessly against the cocoon of grey tinted arms and ivory hair, her rapid attempts of barging her way towards the near dead female melted into utter agony and vocal pain. Sobs appeared and disappeared with every small hitch of her breath and emotionally pained shriek.

  "Charlie." The witch demon hissed from her teeth, eyes shut as she held the girl from behind. All she could provide right now was a source of comfort and care for the girl who was slowly breaking down from having another citizen of Hell being torn apart.

  "Charlie, please calm down!" Vaggie repeated herself with an added firmness, digging her heels and twisting Charlotte to face her. While she herself may not have thoroughly known the girl who was currently being operated on, she knew well enough that whoever she may have been, she truly had been someone special.

And based on the behavior of Charlie ever since she had encountered the girl, her suspicions were confirmed.

The two of them had left Alastor and Angel Dust in the limousine parked outside of the hospital facility, well more like Vaggie left them. Charlie had rushed out of the limo without a second thought, considering the limousine had chased after the Hell Ambulance with her command.

And with Vaggie left in charge, she told them both to stay in the car. Angel Dust already caused enough damage for today and he seemed to agree due to his downtrodden mood. She didn't really have to tell Alastor anything; he just looked out the window towards the hospital with narrowed eyes, deep in thought.

He probably knew something too, just like Charlie.

  As the body of (Y/N) atop the bed vanished behind the doors, Vaggie was taken by surprise when Charlie collapsed onto the ground in a heap. She was dragged down with her since she had been gripping the blonde with such force, but she didn't mind it in truth.

"She- She just jumped out—!" Charlie choked out through her sobs, more horrified than saddened. The salty, transparent liquid kept being dispensed by her eyes, fueled by the emotional turmoil that was provided from the events that transpired.

The ivory haired female's facial expression turned grim. Turf wars are no unfamiliar term; they've happened several times over her time of being here whenever new territory is opened. So she wasn't all too shocked when she heard of another break out.

What she was taken by was the fact one of the hotel's patients had been associated with it. He had never mentioned himself having a relationship of sorts with Cherry Bomb to her or Charlie. And the mere statement that he's dirtying the hotel's name by partaking in such events irritates her beyond reason.

She'll have to kick his ass at a later time however. In her arms was a traumatized demon princess and several feet away from her were the doors that welcomed the new and potentially dead citizen of Hell. His antics were the least of her worries now.

She'll just have to do what she can.


「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now