Chapter IX

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I'm working on a BNHA based x Reader book and plan on publishing the first chapter after I finish with the drafts of the first five chapters. This chapter was heavily delayed and will be shorter than usual due to working on the new book so I apologize.

"Let's go out to eat!" Angel cheered, standing up from the seat. "...hah? You serious?" I ask him incredulously. "You had alcohol earlier. Like hell you're eating now. That shit'll make you barf your guts out." I state as a matter of factly, glaring at him. How idiotic is he, really?

He blinked. "How would you know, Angel Face? You've never been drunk before. You seem like a lightweight." For a moment there I panick, in my head, but I soothe my mind and instinctively bite back. "Maybe if your brain was functioning you'd understand it's common sense."

  "Your bickering went from highly amusing to annoying in the blink of an eye." Vaggie huffed. I look back at her, giving a pointed glower. "Fits well for you consider you only have one eye, huh?" I snap back. My head thudded with a familiar ache and I restrain myself from groaning. Angel whistled, chuckling. "Fiesty as ever."

  I grumble a curse. I don't know exactly why, but I feel so frustrated. Like my brain played the random game and landed on my emotions so now I'm just a big mood.

  Then again I'm always a mood. I just wear a mask to play it off.

  "For real, we all need to eat." Angel decided, stretching his arms. The other woman raised a brow. "Why though? You had alcohol. That mix is not healthy." She stated as a matter of factly, crossing her arms and reclining herself into the comfy seat. I copy her except without the arms gesture. Well at least she believed me over the addict.

  Charlie waltzed over, smiling. The radio demon was standing in the corner still, his gaze following the room and all its inhabitants, demons and furniture. "Eating doesn't sound like such a bad idea!" She chimed, eyes bright. Whatever they talked about must have gone well since she seems ready to shit rainbows.

  I sigh, somewhat annoyed with all these people. I need some time to recharge, alone. My mood is unusually sour right now and I can't put my frustration into words. Plus this mask of mine is annoying and just like everyone else, I have a limit to how long I can socialize.

"Yeah okay. Now if you don't mind I'll be taking my leave." With that I stood up, shoving past Angel Dust and towards the door. It earned Charlie's attention. "Hey! Where're you going??" She chirped, earning a scoff from me. Gee I am one salty bitch right now.

  "Gonna get some air. I feel like I'm suffocating." Maybe release this random frustration on a demon or two. Bloodlust is not a pleasant thing when you're trying to appeal to a couple of seemingly innocent demons. Especially with Hell royalty and a demon of radio carnage.

  Stop staring at me Alastor.

  I didn't try listening to their words and exit the building, deciding to wander the streets. Worst case scenario I get knocked over the head but the likelihood is rather low since I'm in public. But you never know, it is Hell and everyone's already dead. So they might as well get it over with considering the fact they're stuck here for all eternity until their souls are murdered once more.

  The streets hum with demons wandering, breeds of all. It was a sight to behold considering I was only seeing humans several hours ago when I still breathed and my heart still thundered with the thrill of holding a knife and gun. The streetlights glistened brightly above, doing absolutely nothing as the blood red sky seemed to darken.

  The familiar twitching of my ears made me click my tongue a little. My body's been acting up and so has my emotions. It was so sudden, so abrupt that I just thought about it then acted in an instant. Guilt slowly settled into the pit of my stomach but I knew now wasn't the time to sulk.

It's like a craving of sorts. But what am I craving?

My senses were going haywire, ears dropped down to smother my head. I grimace and look around for a place to drop by at, and catch sight of a bar. Without thinking, my legs carried me into the establishment. Like this body doesn't even belong to me. How nice.

There were several seats open at the bar with booths at the sides and tables scattered. For a moment I wonder what the hell I'm doing in a social area when I literally thought about being alone. Then I made my move and hopped onto the seat at the bar, steadying the mild shaking.

The bartender turned at the noise of the small thunk, meeting my eyes. He seemed to be an animal demon of sorts with monochromatic fur. "What can I getcha?" He grumbled, walking over to me and away from the person he'd been tending prior to my entrance.

"Gin and tonic." I order simply, the words rolling off my tongue in ease. Alcohol, a simple thing I rarely indulge on but why not now? The bartender didn't question it and prepped my drink before giving it to me. I murmur my thanks before swishing the drink in the glass and taking a quick sip.

  Eck. I cringe a little at the taste but force it down, putting the glass down. It'd be a waste if I didn't drink it, in money and in my life. Hell is Hell and this is like a last chance to give living a chance until your soul gets cut off, from Heaven's extermination or from being murdered.

  The presence of the others weren't so bad but I couldn't take it any longer. You can only fake your emotions for so long and when you're around an addicted prostitute, a guarded pastel goth, a chirpy princess of hell and a newly added strawberry pimp the time limit for being fake decreases.

  I tilt the glass and let the liquid swish. Bored bored and bored, but it's better than nothing. My mind needs some silence after the events of everything today. Murdering two people, saving someone from their brains being spilled, handling a charismatic demon and not to mention the creepy ass origin story.

  God, is this some kind of punishment? I rub my temple, grumbling some very colorful words under my breath. I take a swig of the drink again. It isn't as bad as before so I take smaller sips as to process it easier.

  In the midst of my baby steps drinking, someone sits beside me. Like, literally beside me on the seat beside mine. Was the amount of unwanted elaboration necessary? Yes it is and always will be necessary.

  A frown pulled at my lips but I don't look at them. I continue to drink the gin and tonic in silence before hearing the person speak. "A glass of your finest wine please." The radio-like and gameshow host voice made my sipping halt. I cough a little mid-drink and place the glass down.

  What the hell? What is he doing here??

  I look over at him and narrow my eyes upon seeing his smile. He merely beamed at me as if he didn't just ruin my quality alone time. "Hello darling! Care to have a chat?"


「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now