Chapter VI

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So this chapter is heavily delayed by a busy schedule of mine and the fact I've been working on other projects on different platforms. Sorry about that.

"Angel face, literally calm your fox ass down." I pace back and forth in the front of the studio doors, arms crossed and pressed tightly against my chest as I frown deeply. Angel has been attempting to calm me down, and in truth, it hasn't been successful.

I scowl at him. Seems to be my signature move lately, although I'm positive it'll fade pretty quickly. "That doesn't help my case."

He merely shrugged. "The program ended its airing a little while ago, calm down. Charlie should be alright, Vaggie has her back anyway." Angel added. That settled my nerves slightly. Vaggie did seem like the type to be protective, being Charlie's closest friend possible. Angel Dust just seems like a patient rather than a friend.

Thinking back to the airing, of how Charlie was positioned on the piano and the lights flashing, I stifle a laugh. She seemed to have a bright determination despite her former shyness back in the limo anyway, I guess her passion outshines her timidity in times like these. I just can't relate to her, after all, she practically wishes to stop murder altogether. I think you get the point so I won't finish that.

The pacing continued for who knows how long. That means Angel continued to nag me and give me the endearing yet low-key insulting name Angel Face. I inhale. With each passing minute, the more concerned I grow for them.

And then the doors swung wide open with a pale blonde skipping through with a stupidly wide smile, followed by a grey skinned, bemused demon. "So? So??" Charlie exclaims, bursting towards me and grabbing my shoulders. I jump and immediately try to wiggle my way out of her touch, uncomfortable. "Hey, Charlie-" I try to get the words out but she cut me off. "What did you think??" She exclaimed more, her eyes bright. She didn't let go.

"Okay, calm down, Char." Vaggie pulled her back with a huff and gave me an apologetic look. I nod a little at her in understanding as Charlotte gives me a small apologetic smile. "It was all right. I didn't get to see all of it though, since radio static cut through." I tell her. She blinked, and Vaggie paused. "Radio static?" Vaggie repeats carefully as she stares at me.

An underlying intensity rests in her smoldering eyes, and yet it didn't bother me as much as it should. I nod at her. "Yeah. Radio static, why?" I stare back at her and she tried to not seem surprised I didn't break under her glare. But she failed and surprise rained on her face. Angel Dust bursted into laugher behind me. "Wow! She seems pretty unfazed, doesn't she, Vaggie?" He asked her mockingly. She sends him a glare that shut him up a little.

Charlie smiled and clapped her hands, looking at us three. "How about we head out to the lounge in the hotel? Y'know, just hang out for a bit?" She offered. Her expression was lit with happiness and pure euphoria. Could she really be a demon? She seems far more suited for Heaven. But if she was Heaven, then that would mean she would also protest against the mass murder. Damn.

"Sounds good." Angel chirped. Vaggie nodded her head a little. "Fine with me." All eyes were on me now, as they expectantly awaited my answer. I make a dramatic point to hesitate and narrow my eyes at each one of them. They actually seem affected by my performance. Wow, I should be an actor.

"Oh whatever. All right." I wave my hand a little and take note of Charlie being even happier than before. Angel Dust grinned in amusement and Vaggie's lips curled into an undeniably small smile.


I lean back into the cushioned seats with a sigh as the limosine rumbles to life and drives us off. "This hotel of yours is meant to uh, reform demons, right?" I ask. Charlie nods. "And Angel Dust is your first patient?" I ask again and she responded with another nod. I face Vaggie this time. "Do you think he's gonna be reformed??" I query, raising a brow.

She nodded, which slightly dampened my mood until I see how she had slightly mouthed "No." I suppress a smile grin and nod. I look at Angel, who was flicking around with the window controls happily and contently, seemingly fine with no one talking to him. At least he knows how to be silent at times.

The limo kept it's course steadily, small talk occasionally rising between the lot of us. Charlie seemed much calmer now after her adrenaline rush depleted. Her face had relaxed into a reflexive small smile accompanied by a relaxed posture. Vaggie was leaning into the seat with her arms crossed, eyes shut. Angel was silent except for silent whistling and the sound of the window rolling and unrolling, which was strangely comforting.

A hotel intended to rehabilitate the sinners of Hell and prevent the mass genocide clearing done by Heaven, all lead by the princess of Hell, who happens to be the daughter of Satan, and who introduces the idea by means of singing. Sounds like a TV Show to be honest.

My fox ears twitch again and I had to pause my thoughts for a moment. "We're arriving." I blurted out loud without thinking. It seemed to break the atmosphere of silence as the three of them looked at her. Angel seemed amused, Vaggie looked intrigued, and Charlie was confused. "How can you te-?" Before she's able to continue, the limo stops and a ring is heard.

Charlie's jaw fell and I snickered. Angel guffawed at the pure and utter shock on her face. "Holy shit, you shoulda seen your face!" He laughed, eyes shut tightly. Vaggie rolls her eyes with an undeniable grin and opens the doors. One by one, we all left and were greeted by the sight of the large hotel. It didn't look half bad in truth, seemed pretty hospitable, for patients and the workers—

Slam a pause button right here.

Workers? Is that what Charlie's trying to do? I look at the pale blonde who was excitedly skipping to the doors with Vaggie trailing behind her. Could she really be trying to get me to help her out with the hotel? It's likely. Anyone can be manipulative, some people can be better at it than others though. Maybe Charlie is one of the people who keep that sort of thing under wraps.

Just like me, I guess. I follow after the three, silent as I process all the possibilities. Anything. She could have been sincere when the hotel was mentioned just for resting. But the possibility of her lying is high too. Would she really do that? She is the daughter of Hell's ruler. Who knows.

The door opened, and all four of us stepped in one at a time. Just the atmosphere, and I already know Charlie designed and renovated this hotel to absolute perfection. Amazing, she is. Vaggie jumped onto the couch and Angel settled on the chair, taking a lollipop off the table and ripping the wrap off. Char was just looking at me.

I blink in realization. "Oh yeah, did you want to say something?" I ask her, tilting my head. She shook her head and laughed a little. "No no! I just wanted to know how you feel about Hell now?" She asked, tilting her head with a small smile. An answer popped into my head and I was ready to blurt it out until I thought the better of it. I settle on a vuage answer, "Well it's not what I expected and also what I expected." Charlie didn't seem confused however and just nodded with another light laugh.

Then the mood settled and sadness was evident on her face. "I'm just scared this whole thing will flunk y'know?" Charlotte states, her tone reflecting shame as she moves towards the door, passing by me. She leans against it and frowns sadly. "Katie Killjoy doesn't like me, Hell doesn't seem too confident about it.." She shook her head, the frown on her face deepening as she shut her eyes.

"The chances of it going good are.." Her voice faded as she sighed and slid down the door a little. Her fluffy hair puffed at the friction. I could only listen and look at her empathetically. Poor girl..

Then there was a series of knocks.

「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now