Chapter XIX

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It didn't take long before you woke up again.

  Eyes fluttering open, the blinding bright light of the hospital room flooded your vision. It occupied all of your sight so it took a moment of furious blinking to clear the blurriness.

  Memories of you screaming bloody murder and flailing in your bed like a fish out of water inched into your conscience and a sigh escaped you. Surely that should have scared them away; patients screaming for others shouldn't be something common unless you're in a mental hospital.

  Were you really alive? Subconsciously, you looked down at your hands. The IV had been reattached, the same bland hospital gown bearing more creases due to her reckless actions.

  You moved your hand to your exposed arm, grazing the tips of your fingers against the skin. With your index finger and thumb, you pinched yourself as though you were some kid in a dream.

  When the pain registered and you hadn't woken up as you wished, your hope deflated. You truly were alive.

  But how? How were you alive? The cases of surviving a bullet to the cranium had to have been a 1% chance. And you were a part of that 1% unfortunately.

  Survival. A chuckle escaped your lips and you tilt your head back to relax. That word is so strange yet so familiar for you. It's a word that resonated with you ever since you were small. Ever since you were just a little girl in her braids and dress.

  Ever since you lost your innocence. The thought brings an unpleasant taste in your mouth and you cringe.

  In the past you fought for survival. And just maybe a few hours or even minutes ago you were fighting against it.

  The more you thought about it, the stranger it was. You were literally in Hell. You surely couldn't have dreamt it up, after all you were never truly religious. And you knew your imagination isn't so broad.

  Did you even survive to begin with?

  Before you could process the thought however, the door creaked open. You turned your head towards the door, holding your breath. Could it be another doctor or nurse? Maybe it's one of the demons you knew that came in to tell you it was all just a prank?

  Your hopes however were crushed once a nurse dressed in the hospital scrubs walked in, carrying a tray of food. The food itself was rather appetizing to say the least, which had you wondering.

  She scurried in, putting the tray aside and avoiding all eye contact with you. Peculiar. Perhaps she's a new nurse that just got a job here?

  "Hello." You croaked out. Immediately you cringed at how raspy your voice was. It was as if you hadn't gotten a sip of water for decades.

  Looking at you, the female squeaked in surprise upon hearing your voice. "Oh! Please ma'am drink some water," she rushed towards the table, "you need to stay hydrated."

  She handed you the glass of crystalline water and you gave her a gracious smile before drinking it down. It soothed your throat thoroughly, and you cleared your throat to avoid any voice cracks.

「 Hell On Wheels! 」Alastor x Reader (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें