They go quiet

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Saunda hesitated for a moment and then turned to Iverson. 

"Initiate lockdown sequence 5." she said.

He nodded to her and spoke over the comm. "Begin lockdown sequence 5! This is not I drill! I repeat, not a drill!" 

It seemed everyone went into panic but try their hardest to contain it.

"Have Beta 1 fighters at ready!" said Saunda and he nodded once more and ran off to another room.

"Fighters like that won't work. This is Lotor. He always said he never wanted to be like his father and destroy innocent planets. He's here for a reason." said Allura.

"Then why is he after Pidge and me?" said Keith. "Why does he so badly want to rid of non pure Galra? He has more to his plans. He has to."

"I don't know." said allura with her head in her hands in frustration.

"Can you open a line to them?" asks Shiro.

"No." said Coran. "I can't trasnmit a signal to them."

Iverson runs back into the room. "Beta 1 fighters ready!" he reports.

"No, you can't! They'd be down in an instant! You'll risk those innocent men and womens' lives!" said Allura.

"Again. That is not your decision.I have war time authorization." she says sternly.

"They've entered Earth's atmosphere!" said Coran.

"Launch Beta 1 fighters!" says Saunda.

"No!" yells Allura.

"Beta 1 taking off." says a voice over an intercom. "All sectors have been launched Commander." It was Adam.

"Adam?" says Shiro. "No! What are you doing!"

"Launching attack now!" says a woman. I recognized her as Tris.

We wait in anticipation as each fighter yells then goes quiet. One by one.

"You can't do this! Bring them back!" yells Shiro.

"I've got target lock!" a man yells. He goes quiet.

"Me too!" screams another. She's quiet now.

Only one person remains. The best pilot above them all. Adam.

"Adam! Get out of there now!" Yells Shiro. I see a glisten in his eyes as the light reflects off. Everyone else stays quiet as Keith holds me tight.

"AH!" Adam screams.....he's quiet now.

Shiro bangs his fist violently hard against the metal table in front of him.


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