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Avoiding Richie was harder than Will expected. He would take extra long routes to class just to avoid him, but today he wasn't so lucky.

"Will. Wait up!" A tall figure waves his hand from down the school hallway and then he comes jogging towards the smaller boy who is stood by his locker with wide eyes.

"I don't want to talk to you, so just leave already" Will says with an expressionless face once Richie is standing besides him.

Richie ignores his words and comes right out to say "I wanna apologize again for the other night. I know what I did was out of line...." Richie tries to step in closer to Will but he declines this action by taking cautious steps back.

"I don't want this exchange to get ugly or anything, but I heard what you did last summer and I'm not gonna tolerate being around people like you"

Richie was left dumbfounded with his mouth slightly a gape. He then clears his throat and says "Did that redheaded bitch tell her lies to make me look like the bad guy when she's the one who was all over me." Richie snarls shaking his head letting an evil like snicker escape his mouth.

"Me and that redhead have been friends since childhood, ok. She wouldn't lie to me. Will snaps back slamming his locker shut to emphasize his annoyance.

"Oh for fucks sake don't give me that shit. She was drooling over me the minute she saw me, Max couldn't wait to get a taste of Tozier" He keeps the same arrogant smirk plastered on his face and Will sees a whole new side of Richie he didn't even know existed. "Then she went whoring around with that prissy Eleven for the rest of summer camp. Why don't you go get the real story before pointing fingers at me".

Will rolled his eyes not believing a single thing he had to say. "Save it Richie nothing is gonna make me believe what you say"

"Really? Huh, then take a look at that. Oh what sweet timing can do for a person" Richie puts both his large hands on Will's shoulder spinning him around to face both Max and Eleven. Eleven has her back up against a set of lockers swirling her short brown hair between her delicate nail polish painted finger tips while looking at Max, a sense of flirtation was in the air between the two there was no denying it. Will couldn't believe the next move that takes place. Max leans in to peck the girls lips, a number of times at that.

"Isn't she suppose to be dating nerdy boy" Richie speaks up, releasing his hands from Will's shoulders. Will turns back around to face Richie with a look of distress.

"I gotta find Mike" Will pushes the tall one out of the way making his way to Mikes gym period.

With fast pace walking Will makes a sharp turn at the corner of the hall thankfully making it to the gym before the class period was over.

"Well well well, if it isn't Will faggot Byers" Will's stomach turned at the face of Troy walking up to him with a smug look on his face and his pet for a friend James who followed behind with the same look that meant nothing but trouble.

Will stayed silent pretending that the two weren't there hoping that it would make them run off.

"What are you deaf? We're talking to you twink boy" Troy then gets closer shoving at Will's chest which makes Will gasp a little, startled by the sudden threat.

"We heard you've been skipping around Hawkins with you're little fruit boyfriend, it that true fairy"

What scared Will more than Troy and James knowing he was hanging with a boy is that he wasn't exactly sure which boy they were referring to.

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