January (part 2)

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Mike dropped his bike onto the ground as soon as he reached the Byers residence. He wiped the remaining tears from off his face and from under his eyes before knocking on the front door. The boy expected Joyce to answer but instead Will was there, in blue footie pajamas and red tired eyes. Mike already felt better.

"M-mike? What happened why are you crying" Will rubbed the sleep from his eyes then looked at him from head to toe in worry. He immediately pulled Mike inside shutting the door behind him.

Mike was barely able to speak being that sobs were slipping with every word he said but Will still managed to understand the boy "El betrayed me one of my best friends stabbed me in the back Will"

Will felt nothing but guilt as he held his best friend while he cried on his shoulder. Will was afraid he made the wrong decision not telling Mike what he saw that day by the lockers, but this is exactly the reason why he didn't want to say a word about it, Will wanted only to keep Mike happy.

"I'm so so sorry Mikey" Will sat him down on the living room couch and rubbed circles into his back while holding him tight.

"I just wish El would have told me she wanted to be with Max. But no....she went behind my back, and that's what hurts the most.....I thought I could trust her. And Max I cant believe she would even- " Mike choked on his words and broke down all over again and Will couldn't stand to see him like this anymore. He had to do something, and fast.

"Mikey look at me" Will lifted the boys head off his shoulder and held his face in his hands. "I'm gonna call El over, and I know you probably never want to see her again but it'll help talking to her, it'll make you feel better"

Mike took a deep breath trying to stop his crying then tore his eyes from Will's brown ones. "I cant face her Will, I don't want to be around her or anyone right now.....except you.

Will stared at the boy besides him in adoration his heart pounding in his chest. "He wants to be with me?" Will thought to himself in disbelief.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to her?" Will continued to rub Mikes back to comfort him.

"I'm sure, at least not so soon" Mike wiped his eyes for the hundredth time tonight. "Sorry for just barging in by the way, I just didn't want to be alone"

"You don't have to be sorry, I'm here for you no matter what time or day it is" Will brought himself closer to Mike and rested his head on the boys chest. The two laid like this until Mike was calm and no longer crying. "Are you feeling any better" Will softly spoke.

"Yeah, I mean you're here and all.....in footie pajamas" Mike lightly laughed teasing Will's attire.

Will let out an exaggerated gasp for comedic affect "Footie pajamas are the superior sleep wear, I said what I said" Will argued.

"Yeah for babies, not gonna lie though you look quite adorable" Mike pinched Will's cheeks.

Will blushed at the sweet compliment. "Yeah sure I am" Will joked.

Before Mike could say another word their flirt session was cut short by a knock at the door.

"Hang on Mike I gotta get that" The brunette lifted himself from the couch chair and opened the door. "Max? Why does everyone come here when there's a crisis?" Will flared his arms up then let them drop to his sides in annoyance.

Max ignored Will's comment and right away asks "Where's Mike he wasn't at his house so I was assuming he came here. Is he here?"

Will looked back inside at Mike and saw him curled up in a ball. "He's here but....I don't think it's best you see him or him seeing you"

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