Chapter 10

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Ethan's POV

It's been three days, and I haven't heard a word from my brother.

Today is the day I'm gonna do something about it.

"Gray?" I said, peaking into his room. He wasn't there. I went to go check my room, and the door was being held up by something so I figured he was in there.

"Grayson, I know you can hear me. w- GRAYSON!" I scream, pushing the door open and running over to him.

He's completely unconscious.

On my bedroom floor.

"No no no no, Gray stay with me, stay with me please! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME GRAY!" I sob, I swear to God it felt like I was holding my dead brother. I was certain that's what I was doing. I look over and see an empty bottle of pills. I immediately do whatever it takes to make him throw up the pills.

I mainly pump his stomach, but then I remember what I learned in Health. Pulling his mouth open I stick two fingers down his throat, frantically trying to get him to throw up. I lean down and when I don't hear any breathing, or feel a pulse, I race for my phone.

"911!" I scream as I punch in the numbers.

"911 what is your emergency?"


"Okay sir relax please, what's your brothers name?" I couldn't understand why the lady was so calm.

"GRAYSON DOLAN. HES 18 MY NAME IS ETHAN DOLAN OUR ADRESS IS-" I gave them the address, hearing her type it in on the other end. About five minutes later, I could hear the sirens.

"THEYRE HERE THANK YOU!" I said then hung up.

At the hospital

"Ethan Dolan?" The Doctor said, coming out with a sad look on his face. I had been waiting for about three hours.

Please don't tell me.

"We're very very sorry but your brother swallowed too many pills. We weren't able to get them out of his stomach. I'm afraid he didn't make it. You can see him if you like."

My heart stopped.

"I'm afraid he didn't make it."

I'll never forget those words. I go into his room, and there he is, peacefully laying there, the monitor singing one long beep. I didn't cry, I couldn't. They wouldn't come out. My brother was dead, and I never got to properly tell him I loved him back.

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