Chapter 1:

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Oh how I loved the thrill of interrogations! Just how everyone gawked at me with pure fear and disgust, even though I was bound and completely helpless. I couldn't even remember the last time I held a wand.

That's a lie. I actually remember very well the last time I felt such power. It was 4 months ago, the last time I killed someone. Victim number 23; A man who I had met on a vacation to Europe with my boyfriend, Michael Corner. The way that his body slowly lowered to the floor, pain eternally etched into his eyes as he took his last breath, my knife still stuck in the side of his neck. The way that the faces of my mother, Father and dear sister looked on in horror as the last thing they saw was my blood-caked face as I slit their throats and wrists.

If I was feeling generous- or just needed to hurry it up, I would do it the quicker, old-fashioned way, but it's no fun if people die off before they can even crumple to the floor. Regardless of how it was done, the rush of murder is like a drug high to me, no other way to put it.

A large assembly of people were splayed before me. A fitting population for a queen of my status. Let's see how many horrified gasps I can elicit this time. My record is 78, not that I was keeping track or anything.

" , you have been brought to the attention of the International Wizarding Federal Court on account of the murder of 16 wizards and 7 muggles"

" That would be correct, Minister Granger. What a pleasure it is to finally meet you"

I loved to play these little mind games. Acting the sweet, innocent damsel as you get convicted of a crime is my absolute favorite way to do this.

" You have also been charged with successful attempt of escape from Numengaurd Prison, Alcatraz Wizarding Facilitation Center, and St. Mungo's Hospital. Do you deny any of these allegations?"

The veritaserum pounded against my veins as it coursed through them. I definitely did not need it though. No reason to lie, because lying is bad.

" No I do not. That would all be correct, Mister Shacklebolt. And may I also say that it is nice to see you again after our last encounter. I had hoped to see you sooner than this, but it appears as though I have really outdone myself this time, huh? Even the best people from my Ministry and yours couldn't catch me for months. They came around in the end- well, most of them"

I heard his magically amplified scoff echo off the walls, being met with several upturned noses and furious glares.

" So you do not deny having involvement or even direct responsibility in these actions?!"

Granger spoke again, apparently in some form of shock.

" Not at all. Why should I lie and let the credit go elsewhere? I mean, forgive me for jumping to conclusions, ma'am, but as I have found, most wizards aren't as ingenuous as I when killing their peers off. The killing curse is nice and all, but some blood, sharp objects and a few slit throats never hurt anyone, now have they, Minister?"

She appeared at a loss for words at the nonchalance of how I spoke about murder, a repeat of my first conviction. Shacklebolt, apparently trying to get this over with, finished for her after talking to those around him.

" Actually, Ms. Bristol, they clearly do. For the murder of 23 civilians and government officials, the International Wiza-"

There was no need for him to continue, so I took it from there;

" -Wizarding Federal Court finds me guilty of all charges and had sentenced me to a lifetime sentante in some new wizard prison place; Meeting adjourned. Just like last time. I honestly though more of you, Minister Granger, though I suppose I was wrong. Forgive me for assuming that much of you"

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