Chapter 15:

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Words were said between us with malicion and fake emotion. Phrases that were dripping with hate and seething with anger were spat at me as I was directed to the seat and gently strapped down around my torso. Clearly they thought that I couldn't take what they were about to do. I wasn't worried at all though. The more I was bombarded and shot at, the more I could feel the magic under my skin. Oh yeah, I liked this feeling.

It was like being back in school and having all the answers to a test. Or returning back to something you have committed to memory. Growing up, I had learned to play the piano from my aunt. I practised day in and day out on the old yamaha my father had inherited from his mother. It was a piece of junk for sure, but I played it like a pro. Not to sound cocky or anything, but to gloat 100%, I was really good. I played concerts for my school, and even my church on the rare occasions that we would go. I had memorized sonatas and overtures and drilled them into my head until I got them perfect.

My mother used to joke that I was a martyr for music. I'm not saying she was wrong, but I've moved on to other...hobbies. Despite this, I still found myself drumming my fingers on my legs in the order of notes from famous songs that I had dedicated to heart.

This feeling felt like going back to my piano. And I really liked that feeling.

"Adeline, my name is Dr. Lavania. What the second phase of your treatment entails is the reversal of previous...remedies. Please if you will, tell me everything you remember from May 22, 2013." Dr. Lavania adjusted the edge of his glasses as he looked down at what I could only assume to be my medical chart.

"Like I told the Minister last time, barely anything. I had been in the ministry for a hearing the day before, and they kept me overnight before taking me here via carriage. We landed, I was able to stun all of the guards, and they I had my way with them. I got to the treeline just out there," I pointed to a random direction, having no actual clue if it was accurate at all. "And then apparated to a safe house. That's all I remember."

"Yes, it appears that Mr. Weasley hit you with a strong adaptation of the obliviating charm. The effects of that charm have been much more substantial than we first expected, so we may have to go to extremes to reverse the damage. Do you remember anyone ever living with you in that safe house? Not even on that specific day, but do you ever remember someone there with you?" The Doctor's words were said with such care it felt like he was goading a feather to stand on its own.

"If you're asking about an accomplice, I've never had one. All the work I've ever done has be solo." I looked between the two of them with some mix of confusion and annoyance. Hermione took a deep breath right before she spoke to me.

"We all know about the accomplice thing, Adeline. What Dr. Lavania and I want to see is how much of your other memories were altered by the charm. Do you ever remember being romantically involved with someone. Betrothed, perhaps?"

The loose-tooth gum feeling was gnawing away at my insides. It felt like it was gesturing to the right, and the eyes inside of my brain were stuck to the left. The answer felt like it was right on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't answer yes because I really didn't know.


The words only barely managed to get strangled through my throat. It was a blatant lie, but I had no sense of truth to backup my claim. It felt like it was driving me insane honesty.

"So as far as you can remember, you have never lived in that safe house with a partner? You have no recollection of events that follow that story?"

" No, I'm sorry." I felt like a failure. Like I had just gave an incorrect answer when asked what 2+2 was. I couldn't tell if the burning feeling spreading on my skin was from my magic getting impatient, embarrassment, anger, or a weird cocktail of the three.

"That's quite alright, there's no need for you to apologize." Dr. Lavania offered me a kind a reassuring smile, but Hermione still looked far less than pleased. She all but ripped the clipboard chart out of his hands and began to furiously scribble on the edge of the paper.

Thrusting the note under his nose, the smile morphed into a scowl/ frown as he looked somewhat solemnly at the words on the page in front of him. Slowly, and as far as I could tell, reluctantly, he nodded his head. The first movements were so small they could have been read as a muscle twitch, but they gradually grew in magnitude until they were full-fledged consenting motions.

While Dr. Lavania looked almost sick from what he agreed to, my stomach began to lurk from how quickly my mind was racing. Hermione had this sick grin on her face that made my stomach from tsunamis.

" Adeline, what would happen if I told you Anthony Masters was dead? Does that mean anything to you?"

Every part of me trembled to my core. The gears in my head were working overtime and grinding against my skull. Eventually they all clicked into place and that opened the floodgates for searing-hot rage to gush into me, along with all of the memories from that day.

That missing piece, the fallen tooth, the gap in my timeline. It was him all along. Anthony, he...he was dead. They killed him!

The day the captured us both was the day after my hearing. Right after I had ransacked the carriage, and disapparated back home. To our home. Ours together.

They must have gotten him when I was in the shower, because as I think it back over, he was gone before I left the bathroom. Ron was the one who first grabbed me, and the one who's nose I broke. Some of his men dragged me upstairs, next to where they had taken Anthony too. He was bloodied and passed out.

I have no clue if he ever woke up. I don't know if whatever they did to him is what ended up killing him. Ron came back and hit me with the charm that would erase all of these memories, and I never saw Anthony again. I had been wiped clean of him up until just now.

They were going to pay for all of what they've taken from me. I'll make them pay. 

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