Chapter 19:

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There was no need for Draco to continue on with what he was was trying to say. I had been brooding the thought myself for quite some time now, and the fact that he felt the need to vocalize it was almost amusing to me. Mind you, here was no place to even dare laugh, so the conception of humor was very misplaced. We were in love with each other, and there was kind of no way to deny it. I had accepted it, and by the way he confessed, or rather the way he tried to confess, Draco wasn't in denial either.

Hearing those words leave his lips was very bittersweet to me. Weeks of budding emotion finally got some acknowledgment, and it felt good to have them finally free, but I also wasn't used to the way that they were moving once they left my heart and reached my head. Now the--what I believed to be, firm standing on my opinions of Draco were blurring more and more until the line wasn't there anymore.

I realized that there was no true way to categorize him in my mind. He was amazing forme and tome, and I loved him deeply. He took care of me on his own volition and trusted me enough to share one of the most sacred things in his life; his son. Scorpius and I loved each other just as much as Draco and I loved each other, although perhaps in different contexts. The most intimate thing we had done was a few close hugs and a mindless kiss to the top of my head, but the true emotion that beamed out of both of us in those instances was more emotional to me than any kiss or hold could have been.

But as I had pointed out to him, he was filling a role that I wasn't aware was vacant. I was at the weakest I had been in all of my life, and he was able to help me so unbelievably much. When everything that we had built together was crumbled down into dust, the filler he provided for me got shot out with the return of Anthony's memory and the subsequent repair of that gap inside of my heart.

My mind was made up though. I knew that so long as I could help it, I would always remember Anthony. I would miss him and the way he used to love me. The way his eyes crinkled at the edges when he smiled would always be burnt into me, but I had to move on at some point. I was still furious that they took him away from me, but my rage was not going to do anyone good, especially if I continued at the rate I was at now. Because of me and how blinded I had been by shock and rage, this once beautiful place of healing was now melting into shambles as I stood frozen to the spot.

Metal collided with metal as the door was thrown open with so much force that it ricocheted off of the adjacent wall before it slammed closed after the whole parade of people had made their way onto the roof. Battlements of guards, some in hospital scrubs or robes and others in varying intensities of uniforms, came to a halt at the base of the turbine that Draco and I stood upon. If they had weapons, they were pointed up at both of us, a slightly larger portion aimed at my head rather than Draco's, but people trained on the both of us all the same.

What really astounded and honestly frightened me was what exactly those weapons were. Most only had their wands, the small little stick not posing much of a threat against me, but a select handful of the heavily-uniformed guards had muggle guns aimed straight at me. Scanning down the barrels of several glocks and shotguns, the harsh faces of each police officer told me the same exact thing. They wanted me dead and they were prepared to do whatever it took to make that a reality.

"Put your hands above your heads and don't move a muscle!" One of the more intense police officers barked out in English. His accent was think, but the words came out very clearly.

My hands moved on their own accord, snapping into place above my head in clear view, even with the 40-foot difference between us. More orders were barked at us and I was having what could only be considered an out-of-body experience as I was directed down the ladder. My body moved autonomously as I gently lowered myself down to the main floor of the roof. Draco followed right behind me, and within the minute, we were standing in front of the 50-strong group of guards, our backs pressed against the outside of the turbine as they continued to point their artileries at us.

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