Chapter 27:

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The morning that followed seemed to arrive far too early, and the few hours of sleep that I was able to scour from the pits of my over-active brain were definitely not enough to get me through the day that I had planned ahead of me. The fancy analog clock that was mounted to one of the walls read that it was a little past 9:20. Scorpius was now wide awake, and Draco's 'dad senses', or his way of giving a label to getting suspicious over the surplus of sleep he got, had woken us both up about half an hour ago.

I don't know at what point I was moved here, but I woke up from my comatose state in what was explained to me as a recovery clinic, and had been staying here for the 3 weeks since that day. I hoped that I would be able to leave at some point, and I hoped that the next place I went to would be with Draco. One of the few things I knew for sure was that the clinic had a breakfast buffet every morning, and that the food they had was phenomenal. Draco and Scorpius left to bring back breakfast for the three of us to eat in my room, and while they were gone, the nurse that had apparently been assigned to me, Colette, came in to do the things she needed to.

I was able to be moved out of my bed if she used a special levitating charm that was designed for my sort of case, and she did that to get me into a wheelchair. Since the total range of my paralysis was still not fully realized, It was hard for me to push myself in certain chairs if the wheels didn't reach high up enough. Luckily, we were able to find one that was good enough, and I finally had at least a small portion of my mobility back. Every time I went from laying flat to sitting when my electronic bed got moved , the remaining nerves in my back felt like they were set on fire, so the process of me changing positions was slower, but slightly less painful as a result of using the special yet sluggish charm.

Yesterday, when my actual doctor came in for yet another daily visit, we were told that I was going to start physical therapy the following day. 24 hours later, here I am, sitting in a wheelchair with the foundations of what I hope to be my new family, nervously eating breakfast while I got the rundown of what therapy was supposed to be like from Draco.

"So as far as I know, it's just going to be basic movements today. It's your first time doing this, and we don't know how far up it reaches, so it's going to be a lot more strength training and muscle reorganization. I'm allowed to be in the room with you if you want me to be, but I fully understand if you want to be alone." Draco explained to me as he polished off the last of some sort of porridge thing that he had gotten from the breakfast bar.

"No, please stay!" I tried not to sound as urgent as I felt, but I figured that the severe urgency that I replied with may have blown my cover. "Sorry, I just...would you mind staying with me?" I felt my cheeks burn up with embarrassment, so I focused my energy on very intently cutting the waffle that I was supposed to be eating, ducking my head to try and hide my flushed skin.

He kept his laughter quiet, but his shoulders moved shallowly with suppressed laughter, probably finding my embarrassment to be rather entertaining. "Calm down, I'm happy to stay with you."

I put a small piece of the fluffy dough into my mouth, partially to avoid making a larger fool of myself than I already had, and partially to try and curb some of the hunger pains that had been gnawing at my stomach. I wasn't allowed to eat much the first few days after I woke up, but I got cleared to eat more normally, and I was making up for lost time. Between the fasting that had been forced upon me at the hospital, one of the few things I can remember about that illusive place, and the coma that I was in for a little around two weeks, I had lost a very unhealthy amount of weight. I couldn't eat a lot in one sitting, but we were told to overload on carbs to try and get me back to a place where I would be able to get strong and train with the new body that I had to live in.

Scorpius was sitting on his father's lap, his plate of fruit perched somewhat precariously on the top of his legs. When he heard our conversation, his little head snapped up, shallow curls flying around as he looked between the two of us. "Wait, can I come too?" His eyes were alight with curiosity and he had the same expectant look that a puppy might take on if he was shown treats. It was, in all essences, adorable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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