Chapter 3:

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Groaning as my eyes strained against the light, I sat up. The room was bright and very unfamiliar. The bed was soft, and the sheets felt like silk against my legs. I went to move against them, but found myself unable to. Moving my arms to free my legs was also proving to be a challenge, seeing as the were bound to my bed with cloth cuffs. I tried to just rip the fabric off, but it was much stronger than it led on. I was trapped here. Alone

Except I couldn't remember where 'here' was. In fact, I couldn't remember anything at all about the last day. Hell, I don't even know how long I've been asleep. Based on the stiffness of my neck and how creaky my joints were, I'd guess a long time. The bright lights in my room made my head throb, and even just the faint noises of my sheets rustling or my bed creaking at my movements made my ears ring for several seconds. Whatever they hit me with was really messing me up.

Wait; why was I hit? What happened before then?

I tried as hard as I could to think back, but it sent my head reeling. All I could remember was blood. Lots and lots of blood, though I don't know who's it was. And I don't know why it is stuck under my nails right now.

I tried and tried again to get something--anything, but no such luck for me. I was drawing a blank so white it was blinding me. My revere was broken, along with my wrecking train of thought, when I heard three knocks. Looking around, I was confused as to where it came from, seeing as there was no visible door to my room, just the padding on the walls and floor.

The knocks sounded again, reverberating in my skull like a jackhammer in a valley. My voice had no response, and after a few seconds, a panel of padding was moved aside as a door was pried open and in stepped a man in an obviously expensive suite. I was understandably curious about his choice in attire, seeing as most every ministry worker wears robes, and the type of money it takes to buy that type of outfit could only come from either a high-up government job, or some veryshady businesses. I'm not sure which one I was more afraid of.

He came to a stop in from of me, and a chair magically appeared for him to sit on, though I didn't see a wand on him. He sat down, and just observed me. Not with fear, or with anger, or even resentment or loathing, he just looked at me. It made me rather uncomfortable, in all honesty. Shivers raked down my spine, even though my room never seemed to be cold.

"Who're you," I mumbled, my voice raspy and dry. " some guard sent here to escort me to the execution room?" He just laughed gently at that.

"Quite the contrary, actually. Would you mind talking with me? I promise I won't hurt you. See, I've been hired as your representative, and I would like to get to know you if I'm supposed to be speaking for you."

"Why do I need a representative? I'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself, thanks."

" Well, it would seem that you have made a bit of a reputation for yourself, so you've been deemed too big a threat to be with other people." He looked at me to gauge my reaction, to which he was met with stone, "It would also seem that I'm the exception to this rule." He added jovially. That sparked a fire in me that blazed it's way through my whole being. How absolutely crazy must he be to poke fun at my redacted freedom?! I'm no more than a prisoner here! That is not something to joke about!

"And you're here because...?" I found that I now had very little patience for this man. He made me feel like a petty little child, unable to care for myself. I didn't need a babysitter. I've brought people to their knees, and ended them in the most gruesome ways imaginable. I am nota force to be reckoned with.

"I'm here to help you, Adeline. I can't help you if you can't help yourself. I'm going to come over to you now, okay?" He looked at me tentatively.

"I'm not some wild animal!" I scoffed. The chair squeaked as he stood and made his way to me, coming to a halt near the center of my bed

"I'd hope not." He gave me an almost pained smile as he held his hand out to me. I just stared at him, as he seemed to be overlooking the minor, yet oh so prominent issue of me being tethered to my bed. When I didn't place my hand in his, he gave me an inquisitive look before he took the initiative, apparently realizing my condition.

His hands were cold, yet soft as the closed around mine. Lingering just a little too long, I felt yet another pattern of shivers claw their way up my spine. The chair that he had previously sat in was now right behind him to occupy, which he did. He let go of my hand when he moved to the chair, and despite the fact that we were no more than strangers, seeing as I didn't even know his name.

"So, what burning questions do you have for me today? Want to know how I do it, or how I sleep at night knowing I've brought several people to their end? What is it you want from that you can't hear anywhere else?"

He was silent for a few moments, a few very long moments.

"When's your birthday?"

It was such a simple question, yet it disarmed me on a level deeper than I could have realized. If he could get to me so much with just his first go, I couldn't afford to let go this early. No way.

"Why do you want to know, need it for my tombstone?" I tried my best to see his intentions through his eyes, but found nothing but that same bone-chilling perplexion.

"No," he laughed, looking me up and down. " I told you. I want to get to know you better. When's your birthday?"

I was silent for a long while, hesitant to give him anything that he could use against me. I caved eventually.

"June 8." I kept my voice deadpan as I answered him, trying not to give him anything more than my verbal answers.

"Wonderful. Is there anything you'd like to ask me?"

Here is when I realize that much good could come of him. He was my one tie to the outside world, my one way to get information. If I was to make good on those promises to myself, I needed a simple beginning.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, that was stupid of me not to tell you that off the bat; my apologies." He grinned sheepishly at me before he reached over and clasped mine once more, moving his arm gently so that my wrists would bend slightly, the closest we could get to a formal handshake. He looked me in the eyes with practiced trust and a hint of authority as he spoke clearly.

"My name is Draco Malfoy"

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