Chapter 20:

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Try as I might, there was no way for me to describe how incredibly amazing the feeling the magic caused as it coursed it's way back into my veins. All of my senses heightened to what felt like superhuman levels as the lip-locking curse that Hermione put on me, and the weightlessness of my suspended arms got washed away like dry sand in a tide.

Of course, I could let her know what had happened. If I suddenly broke free of her curse, there would be a whole lot of questions, and I would put both Draco and myself in even more danger. I had to play into her little power-shift charade, and play I would. I stoned my expression to highlight exactly what response she would want, some little cocktail of fear, anger, and distress.

My left hand stayed suspended above my head, but my right one, the one wrapped around Draco's, began to move with a form so calculated that it couldn't have been anything other than magic. And that's what it was. My fingertips began to drum against the ebony-colored expense of Draco's hand, the melody of a sonata who's name is long forgotten, but pattern is etched into the primal areas of my brain.

The movements were nothing more than a distraction, a way to focus in my brain enough to accomplish what I was preparing to do. Breaths slowed to the pace of deep sleep and my eyelids fluttered with the draw of energy coming out of my soul. My small ball of light had retired to its rightful place inside of me, but its power conducted through me like copper to a battery. The back row of guards fell victim to gravity, their bodies folding onto the floor soundlessly. Moving left to right with my eyes, 15 of them were down within the minute.

That number began to multiply as I inched my way forward mentally, taking out every guard that wasn't in the frontlines without ever uttering a word. The repetition of my fingers against Draco's skin came to a halt and remained still, our pulses synching and beating as one. I saw the bewilderment steadily grow in Draco's 24-karat eyes as he watched the way full-grown men and women collapsed into each other. He must have known of my natural abilities, but I guess he never fathomed them to be quite this powerful.

His eyes showed pure astoundment, but Hermione never even noticed it as she continued on with her boastful rant. The seven people flanking her to the right didn't notice, and the five to her left began to grow visibly drowsy as my magic continued to radiate near them. Glancing my eyes to see Draco's face, his jaw was clenching and unclenching with either anger or unspoken words. The rippling of his skin as it tightened around his sculpted jaw sent electrified sensations through my heart and out into the rest of my body.

Draco Malfoy was a very handsome man. He dressed as well as he acted, the crip perfectionism in his wardrobe was reflected by his movements and speaking mannerisms, what with the clear pronunciation of every syllable that left his thin yet irresistible lips. The intensity of his resting face was completely cut loose when his lithe, soft hands grazed my skin, or when his scowl got cut and split open when he sees Scorpius. Pure, unadulterated joy floods his features, quite literally making his face light up.

But Scorp was nowhere in sight, luckily, and Draco's face showed that absence. The spark from our interlocked hands still lightened part of his face, but it wasn't as luminous as it could be. I didn't blame his lack of enthusiasm, though. This is quite literally the last place I would want to smile, regardless of how good I may feel right now. A budding god-complex and some confidence still wasn't enough to impede my judgement that​​​​​​​ much.

I allowed my eyes and focus to drift for a minute before I made myself hone back in to Hermione and the rant that had been going on for what felt like actual hours. I hadn't caught a single word of what she said, and I wasn't even going to pretend that I did. Taking one last glance to Draco before I really locked back in on Hermione, an audible gasp left me at what I saw.

His jaw was locked so tight that I could actually hear his teeth grinding, and the lump of muscle looked ready to burst beneath his skin as it flooded red. His lips pursed to the point where the plump and soft flesh wasn't even visible. Any diamonds that may have lined his irises were shattered and melted down into pure fire as he glared at the line in front of us with pure hatred. A single tear, one of many that had been dancing along his lower lashline, rolled steadily down his face, falling out of sight and onto the floor faster than it had been there.

Trembling body and hands overwhelmed my senses as I felt the vibrations of his body spread into me. His grip upon my hand was so strong that the pain of it flipped my brain back into its right state and allowed me to finally hear the things that were making the love of my life so horrendously upset.

"...You have become such an absolute nightmare for me and, I'm not exaggerating when I say, the entire world. No one loves, and no one ever will love you! Anthony was clinically insane, just like you are. The world is so much better without him" She let out a cackle of a laugh that radiated inside of my head like nails on a chalkboard.

"I mean honestly, once you were away from him, you forgot he even existed! He obviously doesn't matter to anyone, kind of like how you don't either. Both of you are the true scum of the earth, and since I was the one to personally execute Anthony, I think it's only fair that I do the same to you. There's no blood on my hands anyways, I mean it's not like either of you are human anyways, you sadistic bastards."

The raw anger that was coming off of Draco in waves was now coming from me as well. The fact that she would dare say anything so grotesque and inhumane was truly sickening. I have certainly done my fare share of questionably humane things, but I have never gone to the extent of this sort of verbal abuse. I know what she's doing now can't even hold a candle to the things I have done to other people, but they all died before they really even knew what was happening. Hermione was forcing Draco and I to stand here and listen to her, and I'm only now catching the tail end of what has been going on for the past 5 minutes.

Based on the way that Draco was reacting, I assume that she had made comments about Astoria as well. I don't know for sure how much her pea-sized brain had put together about plural 'us' but if she knew anything, I have no doubts that she would have directed it in the worst possible way against Draco. After the one cursery droplet, no more tears had left his face, but a straight-lined track still burned with its path and the lowest of the diamonds were flooded inside of his eyes.

I went to open my mouth, to fire every last thing I had at her and to try and make her feel even a little of the pain that I could physically see on Draco's face, but I still had to act my role. Sure they hurt me, but I could handle the insults; The second she hurt Draco, however, I knew she had to pay for what she did. It would be easy to overpower everyone else and finesse my knife magic with her, but I didn't want Draco to see me in action. Yes, he know what I do, but knowing about it and actually seeing it in action are two vastly different things. Once I see blood, and especially once I smell and taste it, I can't control my actions. I go ballistic and crazed, and I can't put Draco through seeing that part of me.

Any more insults that were thrown at us were once again lost to me as I went back into my headspace to think. I had two options in the scenario, and neither of them were good. I could continue along with what Hermione wanted and probably end up getting shot to death or something like that, or I could blow my cover now and do some well-deserved things to Hermione, along with all but guaranteeing that I get killed the instant I move. Staying up in my mind for only a few more seconds at most, I made my final decision and was ready to take whatever hell came my way as a result...

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