Chapter 12:

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It took draco nearly a month to get permission for Scorpius to even come to my ward, let alone see me. Apparently there was a strict rule about 18+ age restrictions for non-family member visitation rights. Scorpius, at 6, was just a tad under the bar. Eventually though, with enough string-pulling and sweet-talking, he got the clearance to bring him in.

At 9:45 a.m, the panel slid open for the second time today. An hour earlier, Gabrielle's replacement and came in, doing the usual after she untied my bonds and handed me a sticky note, neat scrawl relaying me the message;

Scorp is coming with me today! Everything finally got finalized and signed. We'll be there before 10.


Once I got done reading it, I did it again and again, letting the words burn into my eyes to reassure myself that they were real. This wasn't some sick joke that my doctors or my brain was playing on me. I was really going to mee Scorpius today. He had to plan out a set date a while ago, but until that day--today-- actually came, I felt like it was just a dream. That giddy excitement you get as a child when you are told you get to go to Disneyland or something, and then waiting for the crushing disappointment of winding up at the dentist. The simple promise that was used to lure you into something you didn't want to do.

When the door opened, I was expecting that lab coat and rubber glove of being let down, but was instead met with something better than Disneyland. Young Scorpius Malfoy, clad in the odd fashion mixture of a Marvel shirt and little dress pants, came into the room behind his father who had a little bit more sense in fashion, shown by his black pants and blazer overtop of a charcoal grey button down.

Laughing as he lead Scorpius to one of the two chairs that appeared in my room, he helped him climb up into one as he came over to me, taking my hand in his and giving it a strangely brief squeeze before sitting down on the foot of my bed between us. Scorpius, bless his little heart, kept shifting from side to side in his seat as he tried to keep me in his sight. As I noticed though, he never stood up in his seat or made an attempt to get out of it, just moving from one side to the other.

"They told us to dress nicely, and 20 minutes before we were supposed to apparate here, he was still in that shirt and I wasn't going to fight him on it. I hope you don't mind too much." Over Draco's shoulder, I saw Scorp blush considerably as he looked down at his shirt.

"Not at all. I happened to like superheroes a lot when I was little, so I think it's perfect!" I sent the two near-identical boys in front of me each a smile, silently telling them both something different. To Draco it was a reassurance, and to Scorpius, it was an invitation to talk.

Draco looked at me with some form of question at the mention of my cape-loving past. I merely shrugged at him and leaned the same way Scorpius did, both of us straining to see around Draco.

"Who's your favorite superhero?" I asked with genuine question. These were the important things in life.

"Spider-Man. He's got the best powers." I found his small voice, mixed with his accent to be one of the cutest sounds ever. Smirking and nodding my head at him, I saw his smile grow.

"Mine was always Iron man. I also really liked Deadpool, too. When I was little, I owned all of the comics. I had the posters, and the shirts, I had it all. Do you like comics or movies at all?"

Scorpius' diamond-colored eyes, which had previously been wide with excitement, were now trained maliciously on Draco. I couldn't help but laugh at the intensity of the expression his little face was making.

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