Chapter 6:

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Hermione Granger; Minister of Magic.

She ushered Draco out of the room, and closed the door firmly behind him. Today, instead of the ministry robes that she usually wore to my hearings, her clothes were more casual; a pinstriped pencil skirt and a dark blouse top. Her hair was wrapped in a tight bun, though a few of her curls poked up near the top of her head.

Her face was absolutely stoned, a level of blank professionalism to rival Draco. She spared me a glance as she passed by me, before she sat in the single chair that had been placed in front of me.

" Adeline, I am going to be blunt with you. I am here of my own accord. None of what I do here today is under the ministry's influence. I am here for personal reasons, because you, Adeline Bristol, have utterly wrecked the lives of not only myself, but those I love and hold dear!" Her face remained unbroken, but her voice, which had been steadily rising as her sentence progressed, was thick with emotion and rage.

I could barely form a coherent thought, let alone hold a full conversation. Even the mumbled sentence that I wanted to form wouldn't leave my dried lips. Hermione obviously has very little patience for anything today, seeing as she she wouldn't let me even try to speak after my first few syllables failed.

" Your last... attack, the one just outside of this very hospital, what do you remember of it?" She crossed her legs and propped her head upon her hand as she leaned into the arm of the chair.

"Ju,Just the a-attack itself. Nothing afterwards. I remember the attack, but woke up in the hospital bed next thing I knew." My throat felt like it was being rubbed on sandpaper, and sounded like it too. My tone was hoarse, airy, and void of emotion. In my semi-consciousness, I felt kinda like that too.

"Yes, well that's to be expected. Rom did quite the number with that jinx, though it's probably best that you don't remember the events of that day, lest it...provoke you." Her arrogant tone was infuriating.

"Why would it do that, what happen—" She talked right over me, paying me no mind.

"Of the people in the carriage that you murdered, who do you remember?"

"I-I don—" she stopped me before I could even get started.

" You killed 4 people in cold blood. Left them in that carriage for weeks before we found them. Families, worried sick, coming to us for answers, and returning home with news that their loved one was dead! "

"Then perhaps you should keep better track of your aurors, Minister." I snapped at her, completely done with her attitude.

Her face flushed in anger and she shot up to come face-to-face with me.

"Don't you dare insult me! You murdered my best friend, as well as several of my coworkers, and you don't have the decency to remember a single one of their names. Do you remember anyone that you have killed? Are they real people to you, or just play things that you use and throw away?!"

She was all but screaming at this point, up close in my face. I was angered to say the least, but I needed to throw her off her feet. If she's expecting and hoping for anger, I need to give her the opposite. I took a deep breath and gently moved her away from me, leaning back in the chair.

"If you would allow me to finish, you could perhaps find that I recall them rather well. Mind you, only last names were on their badges. Therewasone without a tag on at all, but I got Finnegan, Creevy, and Mal—"

Malfoy. There was a Malfoy in that carriage. I killed a Malfoy. She couldn't have been...

" Seamus Finnegan, Collin Creevy, and Astoria Malfoy; Draco's wife. As well as Potter."

I felt a burning blush scorch across my skin. Did Draco know? Surly he did, I mean, she was his wife, after all. How long had he been with me though? Taking care of his wife's murderer like a friend and never batting an external eye at me. The thought made me shiver as much as his gazes did.

The Astoria thing was its own deal, but I wasn't sure what Hermione meant by 'Potter'. Looking at her with a raised eyebrow, my head quirked to the side in question. She roller her still-blazing eyes in annoyance before explaining it to me as if I were two.

"Harry Potter, he was the one that didn't have a badge; perhaps you've heard of him."

Wait, Harry Potter—the Harry Potter. I killed him? I killed Harry-freaking-Potter?! How could I not have realized that until now?

" I've heard the name before, yeah. Didn't realize you were that close to him. You must be upset by his death. My apologies" Lies, all of it. I couldn't care less how she felt.

" You don't know the half of it." She spoke her words between her teeth with forced calm. " His wife and children, the youngest of which is barely a year old, mind you, are absolutely distraught. My niece, nefews, and sister-in-law have had their lives utterly destroyed all thanks to you. You have caused more pain than I think you even realize, Adeline."

" I have realized quite thoroughly, thank you very much. I know the consequences of my actions. I won't do anything about them, but I know." My voice began to crack again, scratchy and dry with the dehydration that was still making me feel light in the head.

"Then have you realized how much you've hurt Draco? How you killing Astoria left him to take care of his son all by himself. Have you realized that?" The smug grin that followed this made my blood boil beneath my skin.

I was speechless. Utterly lost for words. He never told me, Draco never told me any of this. Nothing about him having a wife, or even a child for crying out loud! I thought we trusted each other, thought we had something more than just a doctor/patient relationship. At first, that's what it was, that was it exactly, but I thought we had gotten past that. Looks like I might have been wrong.

" What are you talking about. Draco never told me any of this. How could I kn—" Mid-sentence, I realized that me finishing that would not only prove her point, but would prove me wrong as well.

"Are you surprised? You aren't his fried, nor is he yours. The only reason he stays with you at all is because that's his job. He's an auror, just like Seamus, and Collin, and Harry, and Astoria. Is he next on your list, Adeline?"

" Draco is different. I would never hurt him, so long as I can help it, at least"

"Why? Why is he so special. Why can he be spared, when all of the others weren't. What is it?"

This gave me serious pause. What was it about him? I hated the way that she had overpowered me with that question. Absolutely hated it. A strong part of me wanted to scream and asked what right she had. Another part wanted to know what right I had.

A loud buzzer sounded from outside the door, and Hermione stood, making her way past me like a predator stalking prey. More shivers, yet again.

"Just think about that next time you get all chummy with him. He's not your friend, and you took every good thing in his life and crushed it beneath your bloody little fingers." And with that, she walked past me, opened the door, and left.

Everything was a blur after that. At some point, what I could only assume to be the same six guards came to get me. Still unable to fully function on my own, and nearly passed out from the mental energy that conversation had taken, I was levitated back to my room, set on my bed, and finnally taken care of. My tubes were changed, IV bag replaced, catheter changed, I was given food, and I chugged a few glasses of water. Everything that would keep me alive until tomorrow.

it wasn't until much later, 4 hours to be exact, that my now function brain realize what vital thing I was missing. I was taken care of, but there was a major thing that I wasn't given.

Draco was nowhere to be seen.  

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