Chapter 21:

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I made perfectly sure that the absolute stupidity of what I was about to do would not happen in vain. I was risking my life to do this, and it is not going to be for nothing. To get the full effect of what I wanted, I stared Hermione dead in the eyes with as much intensity as I could muster. Eyes trained on each other, Hermione's fat lips finally stopped moving, and she looked at me with what I can only describe as pure bewilderment as I did the one thing she didn't think possible.

A simple gesture. A movement so ordinary and overlooked that the only significance it could possibly have is in a setup where the person couldn't move. That's why Hermione was so shocked when my hand fell from the top of my head and rested comfortably at my side. I took a few steps forward, licked what was supposed to be my wired-shut lips and spoke two words before a magical force projection slammed everyone in front of me back with the power of a bomb.

"Fuck you."

Several of the comatose guards flew straight off the roof like kites, others slamming into the retaining wall full-force. Luckily-- or unlikely, depending on how you see it, Hermione and the remaining line of guards all crashed into the wall. They groaned and winced as they got back up, but none of them were dead. Yet.

The first few to recover quickly had their guns pointed back at me within a few seconds, but I could see the pain in their features, or in the odd contortion and swelling of broken bones and bodies. Most of them stayed down for good, but they were still at least somewhat alive, probably just blacked-out from hitting their heads. Hermione was one of the few that were still conscious, even with the stair-step shape the otherwise straight bone in her forearm had taken and the horrendously wrong position of her shoulder.

She was able to get to her feet with the help of the wall, but it wasn't done without cries of pain and strings of swear-words. Her eyes were flooded with too many tears of pain for the effect of her gaze to actually have an impact, but the ferocity hidden beneath the squint in her eyes and pursed lips gave me a rough outline of what she was going for. The mark was missed by a lot though, and I had to fight back a laugh at the pathetic excuse of a leader that stood before me, wounded and broken because of a little defence trick that I had learned before I was even a teenager.

Draco was perfectly safe and unharmed, given that he had been behind me at the time of the blast, and because of the soul-connection to the blast and its ability to only harm those who I wanted it to. His eyes were frantically swapping between the two of us, and with Hermione's concentration and mental state more than impaired, the curses she had put on him had been broken as well. Hands perched at his sides and lips slightly parted, I felt like I could hear the argument in his head if I listened close enough.

Part of him, the arguably instinctive part, wanted to make sure that the Minister, his boss and the leader of the wizarding population, was okay, but the other part didn't really care what happened to Hermione Granger and was wanting to come over to me. Humorous isn't the right word, but it was a least a little entertaining to see the squabble between the two women he had commitments to. His boss and the leader of his people, but also his childhood rival, or the love of his life who happened to have just burnt down part of a hospital and kill at least 5 people in the past hour alone.

Tough choices.

Instead of ogling any longer at him, I instead got to work with what I really wanted to do. Twisting my fingers in a sweeping motion towards myself, Hermione's body glided the 20 or so feet so that she was in front of me and closed the gap by bringing her right in front of me. Her feet landed harshly on the ground and she let out a muffled cry as the shockwave of it shot straight to her broken arm and shoulder. Smirking at the sweaty and color-drained face in front of me, my hand gently came to cup her face before I violently shoved her body onto my own, securing her in a choke hold that limited her air supply and moved her arm to the point that I could hear the bones grind against the other whenever I moved.

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