Chapter 25:

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As Pansy had so eloquently said, I hoped I would be okay too. I really, really did. After Scorp got settled down a little, they fell into another bought of silence. This time it was a little less maddening, since there wasn't quite as much worry or unease in the air. There still definitely was some lingering about in the corners, but all of us, myself included now, were just waiting around until I would wake up.

Maybe it only seemed quick to me since I had no real concept of time here, but those estimated 6 hours went by in a rush, and my room had nearly double the people in it before I knew what was going on. A whole lot was happening all at once, and it became dizzying to try to pay attention to all of it. People talking here, counter-spells there, machines and a thousand other noises trying to get my brain and my body back together.

The process as a whole took no more than ten minutes if I had to guess, but they felt like they dragged on forever, and it was pretty much impossible to know what was going on out there, what with only having sounds to go by. But even the little snippets of words that I was able to single out and hear sounded rushed and struggled.

I'm not sure whether 2 more things happened, or 2 million, but as some point I began to feel things again. One thing stuck out in the crowd of numb nerves and it would have made me smile if I was able to right now. A slight pressure, and a comfortable warmth engulfed my entire left hand, and I knew immediately that it was Draco's hand.

Slowly, my smell came back, and amongst the sterile smell of a hospital, a smell that my brain told me I didn't like, I caught wispy hint of spearmint, a smell that my brain jumped for joy at. The smell that hung on the clothes of the 2 boys I adored most in the world. Spearmint; a tell-tale sign of oral health and Malfoys, though I don't think the two have any direct correlation.

As time went on, my senses all slowly came back, or came into sharper focus. My sight, however, took the longest to get back in line, though eventually it did return to me as well. The world was just a mass of colorful blobs, so far as I was concerned, but it the mere sight of it was revolutionary compared to the blankness that my brain had been deteriorating in for the past...however long I was under.

My suspicions were, to my pure elation, true, and Draco was sitting in a chair to my left, both of his hands wrapped securely around my own. Scorp was perched precariously on his lap, reaching out to get one of his little hands into the pileup to my left. My muscles were still far too stiff and weak to move my neck to the side, but a quick glance to my right showed me that there was a team of 4 doctors slaving over machines that were apparently going haywire over my heightened brain activity.

Pansy, or at least who I assumed her to be, was standing behind Draco and Scorpius. She had a hand on both of their shoulder and she was looking down at me with a mix of relief and pity. That conflicting look didn't suit her features very well, but as soon as the doctors began to clear out, Pansy left with them, and it was just the three of us together.

I tried for several minutes to get words out, but breathy air was all that left me. Draco's finger began to rub circles into the back of my hand, silently encouraging me to keep trying. I felt hydrated enough, due in part to the IV that was sticking out of my arm, if I had to take a guess, but my throat was raw with unuse and my vocal chords felt like snapped rubber bands around my trachea.

Still unable to move my head, my eyes alone were fixed on the faces that had moved to a more comfortable position for me to see. Staring directly into the identical pairs of diamond eyes, I spoke my first words since I apparently died.

"I love you too, Draco."


It had been a few days since I had gotten back into consciousness, Draco and Scorpius hardly ever leaving my side. There was a little pull out couch-bed over in the side of the room that I had been moved to, and so that's where they had decided to sleep. I couldn't fathom it as comfortable, no matter how many half-hearted reassurances that came from Draco telling me that it was 'fine'.

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