Chapter 4:

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Today I awoke with pains in my joints worse than my head had previously been. Every time I shifted my libs, they creaked in resistance of the movement, backed up with the burn of the skin on my wrists and ankles from where the restraints had rubbed them raw.

My voice was hoarse with dehydration from my day and a half without water, and my tounge felt as though it were made of sandpaper. Whatever mystery solution was running through my IV tube obviously had little to know water in it. I sill had no clue what was in it, and when asked about it during our bizarre game of 20 questions yesterday, Draco didn't either.

Draco Malfoy...

For the life of me, I could not read the man. He was polished and well-dressed, yet had a hidden personality that was uncovered the longer we had talked yesterday. After all of his quarries and quips were answered about me, I was able to ask about him as well.

Attending Hogwarts, the untastefully-named institution of magic in England, Draco was sorted into one of the houses called Slytherin. In his own words, he 'never doubted the decision.' Instead of being put in one of the other just as poorly-names houses, he and the rest of his family were put in the house of snakes. Powerful and Ambitious. Perhaps some things did make sense about him.

Introductory pleasantries were exchanged between us, the occasional banter or even a chuckle from one to the other. The time I was permitted with him wasn't unpleasant, but it was promptly ended when five sharp rasps hit my door, signaling the end of his alouted time, and summoning him away.

He was with me for two hours. No one else came in that day. I haven't seen a single soul since he left me yesterday.

I've been conscious in this room for over a day and a half, and I've only had the company of one person. Not one doctor or nurse has come to see me. The catheter and IV that allowed me to be 'humanly' tethered here were running full and empty, in that order. No one had come to attend to me either, and the IV bag was now empty, bar what was in the tube and resivour.

No food had been given to me, and while my treatment in Numengaurd and Azkaban had been worse, my stomach had expanded back to a healthy size since then. Now well past empty, the only sounds in my room we're those of my stomach and it's protests of hunger.

Trying my hardest to clear my head so that it wouldn't dwell upon the misfortune of my current status, my eyes closed and I slipped into a twilight daze of existence. Some unclear amount of time elapsed, and my door opened at long last.

Arms laden with things to help the nurse behind him, Draco came into my room.

The drained IV bag was taken down and wasn't strung back up until my tube has been reattached to the new one, and my catheter had been changed, though I'd prefer not to go into details. The nurse nodded at Draco as she left in a whirl of light-crème robes, never once speaking to or even acknowledging me.

Draco sat in his chair that had materialized once more. He smiled at me and clutched the bowl that rested in his lap. I tried to offer him a smile in return, but what came back was more of a pained grimace from my overwhelming discomfort. Before any verbal welcome were said, I couldn't stand it longer and had to ask.

" Can I please have a glass of water?" My voice was croaking and broke levels the longer my sentence went on.

"Apparently so"

A pristine glass appeared on the arm of his chair, and he held it to my lips for me as I gulped it down like a dying man. The feeling of my stomach with the introduction of the water was not mingling well with my starvation. He let out a little chuckle at my desperate actions and roaring stomach. He, of course had no idea about my barely-living circumstances, but the marriage of indignation and annoyance was unstoppable in my words when I spoke them.

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