Chapter 2:

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" Adeline? I didn't think you'd be back this soon"

Snapping around, I scanned the room until I found the person who had spoken. Recognition washed over my face when I saw the face of my fiancé and roommate, so to say.

" Anthony!"

I ran forward and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and buried my face into his thin chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head, so I looked up and gave him a real kiss. He pulled away first and looked me in the eyes, his face no doubt scanning the blood splatters on my face.

" Why are you back already? What did the Ministry say? Did they let you go?"

"What? Oh no. I was sentenced to the psych ward at some French hospital place. As far as they know, I'm strapped to a bed with Veritaserum pumping through me, but—"

"But now you're here. You had to get away and that's what all of this is about." He used his head to gesture to my bloody face and hands, as well as to the stolen wand that was in them.

" Yeah... but a girl has to have fun every once in awhile. You'd never believe how many people I got to kill!"

His eyes lit up in the most adorable way and he readjusted me, cradling my malnourished 100 lb. body bridal-style instead.

" How many?"

"4, all in one carriage. Nonverbally stunned them all, killed three while they were out, and then... had my fun with the last one. Could you taste his blood?"

" You're kidding! They packed five of you in a carriage instead of floo-ing you there?! English Wizards really arestupid. And I knew I tasted something!"

Anthony leaned down and kissed me, tasting the inside of my bottom lip and the flavor of blood that still lingered there. He pulled away and licked his lips a few times.

"O-negative, maybe? Whole lot of iron. They taste amazing! Do you know who it was?"

" Didn't find a nametag on him, but he had really green eyes, circle glasses, and a weird scar. Any clue who that would have been?"

Nose scrunched up in the cutest way possible, he pondered for a minute before shrugging and shaking his head in response.

Using his feet, he tapped the locking mechanism and used his natural magic to open the door to the otherwise unsuspecting cellar entrance.

Carrying me across our little makeshift apartment, he pulled a seat out for me at the table and sat me down, walking over to busy himself at the kitchenette.

" What have they been feeding you? You're down to skin and bones now, Adi! How about I make us a huge lunch and then we can go from there."

I sighed and smiled over at him, laying my head in my hand, feeling the drying blood on my hands stick. I pried my fingers off and stood up, making my way over to the small bathroom.

" I desperately need a shower, so I'm going to do that. I've been practically starved, so luch sounds wonderful. Thank you"

I went over and kissed his cheek, but he grabbed my arms before I could walk away.

" You need company? I'm happy to assist. "

He eyed my body a few times and winked at me, giving my hands a little squeeze that coated his in blood as well. I smiled as I shook my head, returning the wink.

" As much as I would like that, I can't tell you the last time I properly showered, so I need to really clean off. I promise we can...catch up, later. I promise. "

Guiding Light || OC x Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now