The otherside

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Colby's pov
We walked down a little hall until we got to this white room. It had no windows just a green door, blue door and a chair. The chair spun around and the door behind us locked close.

It was Axel, we got our are weapons and stood still.
"No need for weapons boys, we all know I'm going to win." He said

"You seem to think so, it's 3 against 1 bitch let's see you try." I said

"Ok, expect never to see your girlfriends ever again then ." And he got up walked towards us and instantly stabbed Jake and Elton leaving me unharmed and crying.

"Jake!Elton! How-wha-t! How'd our do that so fast."

"Same way I'm going to do it to you!" And that's all I remember until he stabbed me right in the heart causing me to let out a screen.

Your POV
"AGHHHHHRHHH" I heard Colby yell.

I ran to the end of the tunnel I was walking down to find myself in a all white room. I looked to my right and there was nothing, there. I
Heard a noise and looked to my left to see Elton and Jake on the ground and Colby on his knees in pain holding a dagger that was sticking out of his chest.

"COLBY!" I yelled and ran towards him.

"Hey,Hey,Hey, Colby listen to me, Colby?"

"Y-/n, J-ake, ELton."

"Colby,stay with me,please I need you, Colby.."

"Y/n I love you, you know that but it's time to wake u-u-p." He said. Wake up what does he mean wake up?

"Colby? What? No, no, no please don't leave me please..not again..." then his eyes rolled back into his head, he was gone. I ran over to check Elton and jakes pulse they were out to.

"AXEL! Why!" I yelled running towards him gun in hand.

"Listen to your boyfriend, y/n, don't you see it's time to wake up."

And before I could reach him I fell to the ground, flash backs over the years replaying over and over in my head.

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled holding my head in my hands.

"Bye bye-" he said and pulled out a gun shooting me.
And In that second of pain and pressure it all came back.

Back to that day.
(Ch:12)"Take a picture, it will last longer." Then I grabbed bella and Megan by the arm and walked out of the house straight to my car, and started crying.

I then dropped the girls off at home and kept driving, kept going...until I was crying so hard I couldn't see, driving and driving until I hit something causing my car to flip and land upside down-then blackout-

Colby Brock X readerWhere stories live. Discover now