Chapter 1

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Just to let all my dedicated readers know, my alter-ego R. M. Baxter has traditionally published his first book.

Legacy of Ages: Book One: The Way to Ejept.

A compelling story of a young Archaeologist just starting his career when he stumbles upon his Grandfathers secret to finding hidden chambers throughout Egypt. He struggles to understand it till his physics major girlfriend enables him to figure it all out.

Back cover.

The sun was streaming through the window of the attic highlighting the small dust particles as they floated to the floor. Ron climbed the last couple of steps to his grandfather's sanctuary. He looked around the almost hallowed space before reaching the top. The entire attic was an open work space of the house on the cliff that was built in the mid-1800s, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean of Eastern North America. The look of the attic and the memory of his grandfather came rushing back to him. Ron had no idea what would transpire over the next few weeks as he uncovered his grandfather's secrets. Secrets that led to ancient mysteries and the hall of knowledge buried in Egypt thousands of years ago to preserve it for the time when it would be needed.

That time is now.

This book can be found on all major worldwide platforms.

I trust that you will enjoy reading it as much as I have in writing it.

One day, not too long ago, there lived a girl named Alice, who liked to spend time on the beach. She loved watching the waves roll into shore, along with the sound of them crashing into the rocks, and the smell of the salt in the air. Now the taste of the salt on her tongue, as she took the air deep inside, would sometimes cause feelings deep inside her to grow so strong that shivers would run up and down her spine.

On this late September day, with the sun not as warm as it is in the summer, Alice could be found at her favorite spot on the beach, with her back up against the smooth rounded rocks that she had found fit her perfectly, with a fire in front of her to warm her body.

She knew she was going to miss the beach, and all the good times she had with her many male friends, right here at this secluded spot. It was perfect for the activities she enjoyed so much, as she drew in a deep breath of the salty air and sat back to relax.

Just then, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye that caught her attention but was a little hard to believe. There, coming down the beach, was a rabbit. Not just any rabbit, but 6 feet tall with big floppy ears, and wearing a very tight swim suit that showed he was not just a male, but a female's dream.

Alice turned her head so she could get a better look at this unbelievable sight. Sure enough, there was a rabbit, running down the beach, looking at the oversized watch on his wrist, muttering to himself. "I am going to be late. She wants my head off."

All Alice could do was try and close her mouth as she looked at his size, as the rabbit ran by and went behind a rock just a few feet from where she was sitting. She shakes her head and thinks, "I really can't let this go by. I have to have a piece of that adventure."

Jumping up, Alice gives chase, determined to catch this rabbit and get some answers. But just as she turns the corner around the rock, the sand disappears from beneath her feet and she is plunged down a deep hole, sliding deeper and deeper until she gets to the bottom. She then slides out of a tube set in the ceiling of a round room. The room has a small table and chairs, along with a little window to let in some light, which is an odd color, and a small door too small for her to possibly get through.

Her clothes, hands and face were covered in a slippery white Substance that must have been in the shaft that she had come out of. "That's why I slid so smoothly inside," she thought. But as she brought her hand up to taste it, it was already disappearing, only leaving a slight salty taste on her tongue.

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