Chapter 12

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They enter the room and there is the most luxurious bath with statues of female servants pouring warm water into the huge sunken pool, at the four corners, on little platforms just above the water. Each of the statues shows a male servant kneeling in front, in back or to one side of the female statue, kissing and licking the female passionately.

The chamber has a domed roof to give the impression of being in a cave. On the ceiling are painted scenes of males reclining as females service them, touching, kissing and licking them everywhere. Females laying on platforms as males spread oil on their breasts, legs and arms and nuzzle between their legs. Around them are males pleasing males, and females pleasing females in all ways imaginable.

Alice stares at the ceiling, amazed at the quality and detail of the artwork. The Mistress tells Alice that a man who was very good with his hands did that. In the center of the pool directly below the ceiling, is a series of small posts, some flat topped, some slightly hollowed, and all spread out in a vaguely familiar pattern.

A table for two has been set up beside the pool, covered in a purple tablecloth with crystal glasses, bone china plates with polished silver cutlery. Floor mounted candelabras are positioned around the table, leaving just enough room for the servants to serve them. A female servant is standing behind each chair, ready to seat them. The Mistress and Alice sit down as the chairs are pushed in for them. On the table are two silver wine buckets with a bottle in each. The Mistress asks the female if the wine is the 5029 BCE or the Italian 696 BCE. She tells the Mistress that it is the last bottle of 5029 and the other is a 6663 BCE. The Mistress is impressed, "I was not aware that there was any 6663 left."

"While you were away, one of the male servants found a bottle that had been pushed to the back. We knew you would want it, so we cleaned it up and chilled it for you," she informs the Mistress.

"I will have the 6663 and Alice will have the 5029," she instructs. The servant pours the wine into the crystal glasses like a professional waiter. "Is the meal ready?" the Mistress asks.

"Almost, we were not sure what you had planned for Alice, so we waited till we were sure of your wishes," replies the servant.

This is acceptable to the Mistress, so she commands, "bring it out when it is ready." The Mistress looks at Alice and says, "We don't have the fancy chairs and gadgets that the Red Queen has. We prefer the old ways of doing things, it seems to make things more real somehow."

The Mistress lifts her glass and takes a sip of her wine. She gives a little moan of pleasure as it goes down. "That is good. I miss the smooth punch of a 6663 vintage. Please enjoy yours Alice, it seems it is the last bottle."

Alice does as instructed, and again, there is the slight salty taste with a solid taste of alcohol. Alice can feel the effect right away as the strength courses through her body, again thinking, "They know how to live here."

Soon their meal arrives and is set before them. The Mistress has a 10 OZ steak with sliced carrots and corn on the side. Alice thinks, "That's strange," then she looks at her meal. Hers is a 6 OZ steak with a baked potato topped with chives and grated old cheddar cheese. On the side, are sweet and low kernelled corn and baby carrots, with a small dish of sour cream and a cube of butter.

The Mistress laughs at the look on Alice's face. "Don't worry, the Red Queen will probably know shortly what you are eating. We each have spies in our ranks. There is a competition to see who can produce the most and the best quality from the ponies."

"The male servants got a big kick out of the sweet and low corn, thinking that you liked tasty low hanging sacks. They would not let you see but they have been hanging weights on their sacks to stretch them for you," chuckles the Mistress.

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