Wanda The Witch Chapter 8

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Wanda is awakened by the door being opened to her room. For a second, she wonders if she re-locked it the night before. The female enters with her food, putting it down on the table, then turns to her telling her that she is from the East and will not tell the Mistress about the door.

The female stops at the door and says, "thank you for helping us."

"How did you know I had decided to help you?" asks Wanda.

"The way you look at the Mistress tells me that you are a caring person, and we need another Witch in the East to care for us."

She leaves and Wanda is touched by the feelings they obviously have for her.

She eats her breakfast and cleans as best she can from the pitcher of water. The head female arrives to collect her, and they get to the collection chamber just as the females finish picking up the plugs that have now fallen out.

"Start the collection," commands the head female.

Wanda adds to it by saying, "and it had better be a good one?" This makes the head female smile. "Good!" she thinks, "I need them to think I am for the Mistress."

Wanda needs to heal several of the males because the situation is getting desperate, and the Mistress needs every drop she can get.

Some of the males and females are avoiding her, some will not even look at her. The head female is grinning from ear to ear now and does not even hesitate as Wanda asks for the vial of Substance that she really does not need.

Finally, she must attend to the male from the night before. At that moment, Wanda has the head female check on the progress of the collection for the Mistress. He looks at her disgustedly and asks if she has informed the Mistress of him, and what she has planned as punishment.

Wanda smiles and tells him he does not understand. "I will help you and everybody else that wants to defeat the Mistress. What do you need me to do?"

"The head female," the male starts to ask. Wanda finishes, "thinks I am a loyal servant of the Mistress and is not watching me as closely as before."

"What do I need to do?" she asks. The male quickly tells her to be ready to leave that night. The males loyal to her will give her as much from their sacks as they can at the nightly collection. Take whatever you can get from the Mistress.

Wanda finishes and heads back to the hall, where the Mistress is in the tub soaking up the troll's offerings. "Have a seat by the fire, I will be done soon."

The Mistress motions a servant over and has her bring food and wine for them. "Today we have a lot to practice, so I think we will eat lunch a little early." The servant moves to do her bidding just as the Mistress says bring a bottle of the 47.

Wanda sits by the fire as she watches the Mistress remove herself from the tub. The liquid is sliding down her body as she stands there for a moment. She admires the Mistresses body, it is perfectly proportioned, firm, strong and smooth.

"Do you like what you see?" asks the Mistress. "When everything is settled, you can have the body you want also, plus anything your heart desires. Wanda fakes surprise and asks her what she means.

"The run-down palace has a barrier around it, that with your help, we can get through. There is a lot of stored Substance there that you can use to do whatever you want to," informs the Mistress.

"So, I can look like you?"

"Yes, all we have to do is practice some more, and in a couple of days we can get in and get it for you."

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