Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Alice starts off down the path and walks to the top of the first mound, and there laid out before her are fields and pasture lands of many colors and shapes. Here and there among the fields she can see farm houses, barns and stables. Outside of each stable, she can see what looks like playgrounds with ropes and swings. As she focuses her eyes, it is like she is turning up the focusing power on a pair of binoculars, because she can see everything as if it was right in front of her. "Now this is weird," she thinks.

First it was her chest, then the changes to her energy levels, and now her vision has greatly improved. She looks around and sees ponies in the stable yards, and in one of the yards, it is obviously the 7th day as she watches. She thinks, "so the swings are not just for swinging and the ropes are not just for climbing."

She can see wagons on the road. Some going downhill with the drivers using hand brakes to help the ponies. Others going uphill with the ponies straining to pull the wagons. "Oh my, look at the bulges and firm hard bodies with their equipment standing proud. I like this new feature," she thinks, "I can see everything."

She scans the landscape, and sure enough, there is the rabbit, just going over the top of the next mound. Alice can see the castle in the distance and wonders if she can catch him before he gets there, because she is not so sure about going to see the Red Queen. She likes her head right where it is and does not want the Queen to yell "get that head off."

Alice remembers the extra energy she had earlier and thinks, "that's how I will catch that rascally rabbit," as she chuckles to herself. So, concentrating on speed, she races to the top of the next mound, and as soon as she gets there, she starts panting deeply with her hands on her knees and her chest heaving quickly.

"So, there is a price to pay for these advantages," as she looks down at her feet and her toes that have turned blue. "What the heck is this?" she thinks as she checks herself and her fingers have turned blue also. Alice looks at her toes and fingers, thinking, "this is not what I want," and they go back to normal. "That was easy," she thought, as she suddenly became very weak and light-headed. "I need something to eat and drink before I collapse."

Looking down the path she sees the rabbit just entering the woods at the base of the castle. "How did he do that?" she wonders. "But first things first, I need some food and drink." Now, as luck would have it, there at the bottom of the hill in amongst a group of red trees, is a long table with what looks like plates and cups spread out inviting her to stop by.

Alice walks slowly down the hill, to the table under the trees, thinking, "good thing it was downhill," and notices that she is not the only one there. At the head of the table is a stern looking man with a big black hat on his head. Down each side of the table are couples, one each side, who are slowly eating and drinking while they make small jerking motions as if lost in their own little pleasure worlds.

Alice looks at the man at the other end of the table, as he says, "you are right. They are in their own little pleasure worlds," as his hat changes from black to a bright red. "Have a seat at the table, a troll will be with you shortly."

"A troll?" Alice exclaims.

"Yes, this is a troll table, and the food and drink are there for the taking, and the trolls take what they want in return."

"What do they want?" Alice asks the man as his hat turns blue.

"Have a seat and build your strength while we talk."

Alice pulls out the chair, but the front, middle and back of the seat are missing. There is only room for her legs, which are spread apart slightly, and the back of the seat is bent slightly outward, causing her cheeks to open but was surprisingly very comfortable.

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