Wanda the Witch Chapter 2

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The alarm clock goes off and Wanda wakes with a start. After a second she knows it must be the clock, and she realizes it was all a dream. It was so real to her that she has a hard time believing it wasn't.

The office that day was quieter than usual. Carrie nor Ted were in, the word was they had been seen together earlier in the evening. So, the rumors were starting that Ted wanted to give her something, and she was going to take it, if you know what I mean. Wanda smiled to herself as she thought about what she might have got.

The rest of the day went by for Wanda. She could not help thinking about fantasies and what she would like to be and do. She realized she had made her decision about Fantasy Island.

When Wanda arrived at the house that night, she ate her supper and entered her special place. Tonight, she sat on her stool, but it was just a stool. She wanted to put on one of her outfits but decided to sit naked in front of the computer.

Wanda entered the Fantasy Island site. The regular fantasies were not going to be for Wanda. She knew that she would have to go for the "make your own fantasy." The cost was high, but Wanda had the money, she did not do too much and the house was free.

Wanda typed out her message to the resort, asking for information on the make your own fantasy option. This time a split second before she hit the send button, she got a notification of an incoming E-mail. Her message was gone now so she opened the E-mail. All it had was a toll-free number.

Wanda turned around to see if there was anything different about her attic. There had to be a camera or something for them to respond like that. There was nothing out of place.

She was now determined to do this, so she picked up her phone. Putting it on speaker, she dialed the number. If it rang, she did not hear it. Instantly, a voice said, "Hi Wanda, we can help you."

She was speechless for a second. "How did you do that?" she asked the voice on the other end.

"Here at Fantasy Island, we have special means to give our clients the vacation of a lifetime," replies the voice.

The voice on the other end asks if she is interested in the make your own fantasy area of the resort.

"I want the full package."

"Perfect," says the voice. "We have an opening the first two weeks of April from the 4 Th to the 19 Th."

"That is perfect," says Wanda, "that is the exact time of my vacation."

"Good, we will send a car on April 3 rd at 5:30 PM to collect you." Then the voice hangs up.

Wanda has many more questions about making the payment, what she needs to bring for clothes and how do they know where she lives. She tries calling back but can't get through. She figured it would be the next year or in the fall that she would be able to get in. Her next vacation is in a week, the third is a Friday and today is a Thursday.

Wanda keeps trying to get through to the resort but gets put on hold or does not even get an answer. She goes back to the computer and types a message to the web site for the resort. She asks them what she needs to bring, and again as soon as she sends it, she gets a quicker than immediate response. It is again just one word, "nothing."

The next week does not pass quickly enough for Wanda. She makes sure her passport is in order; she packs some clothes for a warm climate. She does not even know where on Earth the island is. The regular fantasies all seem to be in a warm climate, so she assumed this one would be also.

The E-mail said nothing. Wanda smiled every time she thought about it, just imagine a whole island with nothing but naked people for two whole weeks.

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