The Story Chapter 2

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It started on a planet circling an ancient star in a galaxy that is no longer even present today. In the early days, the oceans of this world were full of life of all sizes and shapes. One aggressive creature crawled out of the water and took its first breath of air. That was the start of my people.

The water was full of special chemicals and a life spark, which is the easiest way to say it. This ocean was the Garden of Eden for our people as we grew in intellect and knowledge. We were never far from it or carrying part of it with us.

This mixture of chemicals was life itself for us, because we did not die of old age or disease. We could be killed in accidents and wars, but not from old age. Some of the very first to walk out of the ocean on that world are still alive today. I know this because I am one of them. Am I the oldest? Maybe, but we are so spread out across the universe, that I will never know.

We reproduced like any civilization, and soon totally occupied our world. Then went searching for others, which we found in abundance. The universe in the early years was different from what we know now. It was full of worlds ready to be settled on.

We had small groups populate a whole planet to their way of thinking. So, after a few million years we were on every planet or rock that we wanted in our galaxy.

Then we spread out into other galaxies till we were so many, that we lost sight of our home planet and star. There came a time when we did not even know where our home planet was or even if our home star was still burning. We are a people lost in time.

We are much the same as your race. We enjoy our time with each other, and we have children about the same way as you. But of course, if they do not get killed in an accident or destroyed by any other means, they too live forever.

Then a couple of billion years ago, a movement started to put an end to the ever-increasing numbers by removing the male's sacks. This effectively stopped the production of offspring.

It soon became a religion that spread from star to star, then galaxy to galaxy. Whole planets of men would stand in a line as their sacks were removed publicly. All in the name of moral responsibility.

Now, of course, over time things happen, and due to accidents and other means, whole worlds were becoming barren.

Then, as the universe changed gradually over millions and billions of years, the laws of physics changed, causing a disease to start killing our people off slowly at first then in ever increasing numbers.

The water from our original ocean held the keys to fighting the disease. But there were only drops left here and there around the universe. Some had been kept for religious reasons in stasis containers for eons.

When the water was given to one of us, that person was totally cured from the disease forever. When we tried to duplicate the water, we found that we could except for the small spark of life that cannot be manufactured. Just like your sea water that can never be made exactly like the real thing.

The search was on for an ocean or something that holds that spark of life that is now the most essential and sought-after Substance in the universe. It is the one thing that will save my people on billions of worlds.

Then about two hundred thousand years ago, I was on a small blue planet orbiting a normal sized star, in what you call the Milky Way galaxy. I was testing the water in your oceans for the spark, when I saw a male and female playing on the beach. They were similar to my people and caused me to become curious about how they reproduced.

I moved about them unseen for a few months till the female from the beach gave birth to a little one. I was so impressed that I had to check the male's sack. Imagine my surprise when it contained that small spark of life. After thousands of years of searching, I had found a source for the salvation of my people.

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